Tag: readme
Dirt Road Texture Pack By Sim3.09S

Description These are two Textures I made for all of the Mappers out there. These Textures were made for Dirt Roads, but can be used for anything else if you want to. There is a \”README\” included which tells you how to install these Textures. Credits Sim3.09S
Origins Farm V2

Ok, so here it is as V2! Welcome to the new Origins Farm! I really only had one fix, and that was the fuel trigger at the main farm. It now properly registers and works. I added in a couple of new silage pits, one for corn, one for grass, at the dairy farm. I also added in a seed stack and trigger inside the barn at the dairy. The biggest improvements are new, updated and placed, vehicle. The main farm has the larger machinery for the more robust farmers, and some smaller equipment at the dairy. Also, construction of ... Read more
Upper East Side

Welcome to a new world for you to take care of. Its a normal size of the landscape with lots of mountains and beautiful scenary. The fields is handmade to challenge the farmer and his crew to harvest the grain, the fields size is medium to big with original fruits. This map is great if you use coursplay and mulitplayer games. If you work alone you may use Autopilot on the machines when the fields has lots of different shapes. The Master farm is located in the center of the map for better performance. A new cowzone is placed at ... Read more
Deutz Agrovector mit Ballengabel
Description: Ich hab mal den Agrovector für euch umgebaut. Die Ballengabel könnt ihr zum Stapeln von Schneequaderballen (Download) verwenden. Dieser Mod ist von wehmoeller96!! Erlaubnis liegt vor! Nach dem Download öffnet die Zip und entpackt NUR den Ordner README auf euren Desktop. öffnet dort Readme.html um weitere Infos zum Mod zu erhalten. Credits: Skin by wehmoeller96 CopyrightLOGMod by wehmoeller96 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?fb0yl9cr8ik8524 http://hotfile.com/dl/135799663/e275528/SRSDeutz_Agrovector.zip.html
John Deere 8360R Pack v 3
THIS HAS A README or press “0″ in game to get information fixes since V2: -fixed missing parking light -fixed hitch lowering issue with multiple tractors -added hidable front hitch IN PACK: -JD 8360R regular and courseplay -frontloader –wheel pack -saddle tanks This is the John Deere 2011 8360R. It is a four wheel drive row crop tractor with 360 HP. It has a realistic price of $336,114. It uses a realistic top speed of 31 mph, with working speeds between 1 mph and 22. =============== =============== Details: -buyable and attachable dual wheels, for rear only or for all four ... Read more
2-Axle Tilttrailer for ETS
Introduction: 2-Axle Tilttrailer for ETS This’s a standalone trailer by Holli Install: following the readme.txt file below Credits: – Base Frame by Holli – Rest by Ventures87 – The models, skins and other files in this package can be used in “Euro Truck Simulator” by private persons. – It’s forbidden to use this or parts of the package for commercial use. – It’s allowed to make skins and place them for download. – Trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders. Accepting one or more parts of the terms of use means ... Read more