Tag: Rebuild
FIAT 1580 DT

Description: Modello Originale: ValtraN111 Rebuild and V2: XPPRO Edit: beast33 Download: FIAT 1580 DT [Hotfile.com] Download: FIAT 1580 DT [Uploading.com]
FENDT 816 Favorit Rebuild FL
Description: Modell: GenX Mods Reifen : Agrotron130 Ingame : GeneralX und Dachskiller Version 2: Cannonball and GeneralX Edit.:dieMaschine Stoll F71: Modell+Textur:MF390 Script:HeadshotXXL Download: FENDT 816 Favorit Rebuild FL [Hotfile.com] Download: FENDT 816 Favorit Rebuild FL [Uploading.com]
IHC 745s

Description: This is a IHC 745s. Modell: shiny16 convert to FS 09: 818vario Rebuild to 745-S + skin: Metal-Volker, Albert Wesker (Funktionen) Included functions: – Extraweights – Ainightlight – Rpmlimiter – Ignition – Stats This tractor doesn´t need more functions. Have fun with this little tractor. Download: IHC 745s [Hotfile.com] Download: IHC 745s [Uploading.com]
John Deere 8530

Description: Modell/Textur: Wohlstandskind Räder: Shangri Rebuild and modification: Clondike Download: John Deere 8530 [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 8530 [Uploading.com]
FENDT Pack + Samson
Description: 820: Beteiligt: Tobii, 818vario und blackfox Modell: 818vario, Tobii und blackfox (Der die Haube gebaut hat) Skin: 818vario & Tobii Ingame und Funktionen: Tobii Edit:NIBBY & JoXXer 926: Modder.: James08, sk8mike, Agrotron130 image massey MAN23 514: Mod: SFM-Modding Team Edit: Tomy&Siwus 615: All original credits go to: All credits go to modelleicher + Giants Software Ingame: modelleicher + fendt2000 Script: modelleicher + Templaer + Face + Headshot XXL umbau 615LSA schlueterfan1977 Ls 2011 extras by Bjorny wheels Original modell: wohlstandskind Rebuild and modification: Clondike the JD 8530 Models/skin: PeterJ Sounds: PeterJ Ingame: PeterJ Script: PeterJ and Henly20 Bale attacher ... Read more
FENDT 930 Vario TMS Rebuild
Description: Coproduction: Treffpunkts Teams Other adjustments: Mario Umbauten: Bauernlümel LS11: ssirhc Download: FENDT 930 Vario TMS Rebuild [Hotfile.com] Download: FENDT 930 Vario TMS Rebuild [Uploading.com]
John Deere 8530
Description: Modell/Textur: Wohlstandskind Räder: Shangri Rebuild and modification: Clondike Download: John Deere 8530 [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 8530 [Uploading.com]