Tag: Release
Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS 2) Officially confirmed release date

ENGLISH: Finally, the officially confirmed release date from ETS 2 is published. Here is the official letter from SCS Software: (Deutsche Version weiter unten) Dear friends of truck simulation games, I have news about the Euro Truck Simulator 2 release: finally, we are ready to commit to a specific release time. This piece of good news may however be mixed with a bit of disappointment, especially for the less patient among you. We have been working on the game for almost two years, sticking to the proverbial “when it’s done” planning all this time. Now, at last we are confident ... Read more
Nuhn 6750 Beta Release

Description: Multiplayer ready Version 1.0 Capacity 25552L Price $29000 Features Hazard lights Left & right turn lights Attachable PTO Brake lights InputBindings Left turn lights KP_1 Hazard lights KP_2 Right turn lights KP_3 Credits Model & Texture by Frasercow Script by Frasercow & Giants software Ingame by FraserCow LightsAddon V3.1 Script by Sven777b Attachable PTO Script by LS-UK Modteam Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?wtsapwyf63grjri http://www.sendspace.com/file/dp8xxj
John Deere 9750STS Pack Beta Release V0.2 [FIXED]
I started a modification of the old John Deere 9880i STS combine. As its shape is similar to John Deere 9750 STS decided to modify it. The script. “Xml” has been completely renovated. There is no error in the “Log”. Best Regards RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Credits: Model Body: MySQly,??? Model Wheels/Pipe: Knagsted Scripts: Giants,RaFa (RafaelZanella),Sven777b,SFM-Modding,Manuel Leithner,Templaer,Knagsted Model Ladder/Grain extend tank: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Edit1: OhioFarmer Edit2/fixed/New scripts – Final: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Sounds: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Tanks: LS-UK members forum/ American Eagles. Version V0.2 BETA. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?rrm551z4q4lnvwo http://www.sendspace.com/file/mk6t24
Silent Valley V2
2.0 – Release # Erweitertes Gebiet (Doppelte Grösse im Vergleich zur SV1) # Standard Fruchtsorten: Weizen, Gerste, Raps, Mais # Milch als Transportgut (Milch muss täglich bis spätestens 23:59 Uhr zum Händler gefahren werden, sonst gilt sie als verdorben und wird ohne entschädigung entsorgt) # Komplett neu gestalteter Hof # Viele neue Objekte # Kein Landmaschinen-Händler vor Ort (Equipment wird am heimischen PC übers Internet bestellt und direkt vor den Hof geliefert) # DLC3 Ready 2.0 – Release # Extended Area (Twice the size as compared to SV1) # Default fruit varieties: wheat, barley, canola, corn # Milk in the ... Read more
KRONE CF 305 F MOWER PACK v 1 [mp]
Credits: Modell: Steyr1; Script: Face Performance-Tuning: MadMax Herausgeber: SFM-Modding Release: Skin By Rall I mod-scheune.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121432968/f751c0c/krone_cm305f_mower_pack.zip.html
Gleaner A76 w Mac Don D50 and Corn PickerFinal Release
Description: AGCO Gleaner A76 Wheat Barley Corn Rape Soybeans Sunflowers Peas Oats Rice Not perfect, but it is a Silver Seeder, lol. Hope you Gleaner fans and all enjoy! Has Gleaner’s 85th Aniversery decals P.S. Thanks Ross for your straw mod Fendt 9460R Mac Don D50 by xyzspain Download: Gleaner A76 w Mac Don D50 and Corn PickerFinal Release [Hotfile.com] Download: Gleaner A76 w Mac Don D50 and Corn PickerFinal Release [Uploading.com]