Tag: Removable

Description Features ► Removable flap ► Attacherjoint for the Pitchfork of Burner (Manual Attaching recommend) ► Tilt-able ► Price: €1599 ► Volume: 1500L ► 1:1 Scale ► Locks when transporting palets ► Fruits: wheat, rape, maize, barley, chaff, manure, grass, dryGrass Credits Model: Michl2 Textur: Michl2 Ingame: john deere 1020 Script: modelleicher, fendtfahrer95, Geri-G, desperados93
Valtra 8050 Fixed version

Hey, this is Fixed version in Valtra 8050, and tractor have Valtra’s 50-year celebration color. Send message for me, if you have something feedback. Features: TwinWheels Front/Rear Passengermod Worklights Front/Rear Beacons Quicke Frontloader mounts ESLimiter Over width lights 1:1 Mod Removable front weights Thank you to all who have been involved in the project!! Credits Modell: Wiuwe Ingame: Wiuwe Texturs: Wiuwe, Ännä, XarioN +others Scripts: PeterJ,Henly20 / Giants
Brantner VD38080 4-axis 3 side

Brantner VD38080 4-axis 3 side tipper 1:1 Features: Animated chocks Removable tarpaulin body 46 470 liters capacity Lighting V3.1 (Sven777b) fruits: original and potatoes,Carrots,sugarbeet Credits Modell: Kyosho script: fruktor
Richard Western SF14
Features: – Unique monocoque design with tapered body. – Removable silage sides. – Double acting hydraulic tailgate with rubber seal. – Mudflaps and mudguards. – Steering rear axle. – 22.5 inch wheels with wide 560/50 tyres. – Cup and Ball type hitch. – Extra lighting pack. – 3 colours included: “Richard Western” factory yellow, “John Deere” green and “Claas” green/white. Created by SCR Modding Model and Texture: Olii Ingame: Russ Beleuchtung v3 (Script) by Sven777b VariableBody (Script) by fruktor Wheels and tyres by STS Modding Description: Russ Download: Features: – Unique monocoque design with tapered body. – Removable silage sides. ... Read more
IHC 1255XL v 1.1 Removable Frontloader
Credits: KP Enter Front weight: 9 Attacher up/down: Y/G Doors: KP 9/7 Top and rear window: 5/6 Worklight: L/K ESL: pageup/pagedown Dual wheels: 8 Turn signals: KP 1/3 Hazard lights: KP 2 Frontloader and Konsole: KP 4/6 Frontloader controls: mouse Autosteer: KP 5 4X4: 7 Hold in headlight key for brights. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126685596/64273ae/IHC1255XL_RM_FL.zip.html