Tag: Repi
Scania Longline Tribute John Deere v 1.0

Credits: Modell/Scripts: Scania Power John Deere Skin: chaser Zubehörsets/Scripts:Repi Rotorscripts:Alex2009 Beleuchtung3.1:Sven777b
Krone BigX 1100 Combine Pack v 8.2

Credits: Repi & Bullgore Alex2009(www.alex2009.de, www.mra-modding.de) raptor Michi Knechi
Pack of vehicles to the station map orange

hello! Here is a pack of vehicles used in the station map orange all vehicles are ready for the new crops tansportar the map and also outas in pack contains: cat coffee Coffee cane harvester cacucar peach grape and orange constellation truck, cart war, Kroeger orange edition, catcoffee cuter, among other you only need to put them in your mods folder Enjoy yourself Credits thegamermodteam,theaylton,anggelbad,victor12yers, Dmarte,wohlstandskind,Outlaw,meistro & Repi,and rachel´s
Claas Lexion 750 Pack
Models: R & A Modding (Meistro, Repi, Alex2009, Kleener_Putzi, hehe93), BM-modding textures Repi, Face, Black Jack corona textures funker game, animation: Repi, Facebook, moped killer scripts: R & A Modding (Alex2009, Repi ), SFM-modding, Knagsted, Sven777b, Patar, JOHN DEERE 6920, Hitman, gotchTOM, moped killer, BJR Modding Sounds: Sevorane
Scania R560 – Black Beauty v3.0
Modell: SCS-Software Umbau/Textur/Scripts: Scania Power/unicorn0007 Zubehörset/Scripts: Repi Warning Light (Bjelke) v by Jossva
Lake v2.0
GIANTS, (das gesamte) EIFOK TEAM, GoodGod, Heady, Manuel Leithner, Deere6800, D4rkfr34k, Desperados93, meistro, big bug, Repi, DeutzerFan95, Kyosho, Kai2, Atabogo, Blackburner…..und unzähligen Moddern und Scriptern mehr.. Download: http://ul.to/6gphcev8 https://hotfile.com/dl/152283722/5e7bb01/LakeV2_ENTPACKEN.rar.html
Kaweco Zubringer & Dolly v 1.0
Model: meistro, Repi Texturen: Repi, funker Alcoa wielen en textuur: funker, Repi Tuning: funker Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?dbta3eqowby2kn1 http://www.sendspace.com/file/srlrgz
Fendt Trisix v
Fendt Trisix v Credits: Model: Meistro & Repi Texture: Repi LS11 conversion: Repi Powered by MRA modding! It is suitable for the SP and the MP! Specials: – Road traffic regulations – RUL – Lightbar Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?fdzt1744s2gklje http://www.sendspace.com/file/3p1x6v
Crown BigX 1100 Beast Pack v7
Umbau Krone BigX1100 Beast Dez2011 / Jan2012: >>> by Repi & Bullgore <<< Modell: Giants Modell umbau, neue AO und Decals: Repi Animationen neu angepasst: Repi Scripte: Face, Alex2009, Sven777b, John Deere 6930, fruktor – Modell komplett neu aufgebaut (Repi) – Neue AO Textur mit Decals (Repi) – I3D neu aufgebaut (Repi) – XML neu aufgebaut (Repi) – Animationen neu eingefügt (Repi) – Joystick by BlackFox, AO Textur Joystick by Repi – Lua´s verbaut, XML Tuning by Bullgore >>> by Alex2009<<< – GreenStar Einbau überarbeitet – GreenStar auf V1.1 geupdatet Umbau Krone XDisc6200 Jan2012: Urmodell: raptor Teil neuaufbau: Repi Neue ... Read more