Tag: required
Map Oberpfalz V4

News: Fixed bug with potato sales Landscape extends a little New grass texture and a few minor changes PDA map is a work in progress The DLC 2 is still required. I would recommend 3 DLC is not absolutely necessary. So now a lot of fun on the Map! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138634891/027f355/OBERPFALZ—ENTPACKEN.zip.html
Obelix mountains

our grandfather has founded this farm, he said to your father, “Here in this volcanic crater we let nieder.Bei this soil will be planting everything.” He was right, not just potatoes and turnips, no, also cotton, Soyabonen, green wheat and sunflower were grown here. Your father has renewed much only the fleet does not and so have your potato and cotton Maschiene the path taken up to the scrapyard . This is a disaster immediately, because the fields are ready for harvest. You must try as quickly as possible bring money into your fund. The hotel required sand shell, you ... Read more
Northeim Map V2

Northeim Map V2 DLC2 with BGA (DLC2 pack is required !!!!!!!!) will furthermore: MapBGASilo MAPBGA also needed Farm was changed from BGAs (there is only the BGA DLC2 fully functional)! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/132067753/72331e9/Entpack20mich20bC3BCtte.rar.html