Tag: reverse
ClaasXerion5000TracVC v 2.2

features: – Adjustable Steering mode – Cab with automatic rotation and reverse – Permanent four-wheel – Device level indicator – Particle effects on the wheels – PTO Connection – Duals – Steering locked – Front edited Attacher – Schematic picture inserted Credits: icedealer,steve1912
Messerschmitt (airplane)

Description control: Key 8: propeller turn on / off Numpad 8: Gass give Numpad 6: steer right Numpad 4: rotate left Numpad 5: reverse W key: down Key S: High D key: Turn to the right A button: rotate left Credits modder: Jumpster script: Sven77b
FlotationTyre_AO UpDate V-2.1

Description Floatation Tyre/Wheel for Farm Trailers created with Blender V-2.62 AO Texture created with Blender V-2.62 You are free to use this file in any Farming Simulator Mod. With no permission required. Please credit Milpol if you do use this file. My appology to users that have downloaded the incorrect Update where the right wheel has an incorrect Z Axis and rotates in the reverse direction. This version is corrected, i just hope i know my left from my right ;0) Credits Mod file created by Milpol Texture Created by Milpol
HAMI hurricane jeep
this and the new hemi jeep hurricane It is equipped to accomplish great tasks like pulling trailers large and small, can also drag up some plows and implements downforfe made alert by thor script (by anggelBad) has the functions of transportation low and high by pressing (5) transport down to small trucks and trailers button (6) High transportation for large trucks and plow also has high and low headlight and fog light arrows reverse and Giroflex to use map orange season or place your map in your mods folder and enjoy Credits theaylton victor12yers anggelBad
JD 8360R V2
hi all i make this little tweek on this 8360R add and adjust light add and adjust side blinker add and adjust more real engine add and adjust cb ariel ————————————– key light -F attacher-Q W forward A turn left S reverse D right ———————————– motorized steerable hirable aiTractor honk Credits: base mod by SaMN 8360R 3d model by Zolee11 edit by aigga
JD 8360R
hi all i make this little tweek on this 8360R add and adjust light add and adjust side blinker add and adjust more real engine add and adjust cb ariel ————————————– key light -F attacher-Q W forward A turn left S reverse D right ———————————– motorized steerable hirable aiTractor honk Credits base mod by SaMN 8360R 3d model by Zolee11 :@ edit by aigga cb ariel by: Model: Nod500 Texture: Google Sketchup Conversion from SPK to I3D : Sakarya
Transall V2 (airplane)
Hi, this is the V2 of the Transall, now with new gear and propellers animirten … (Yes, you can fly it)! (now with speed information)! control: Key 8: propeller turn on / off Numpad 8: Gass give Numpad 6: steer right Numpad 4: rotate left Numpad 5: reverse W key: down Key S: High D key: Turn to the right A button: rotate left they can be transported by any vehicle, truck or dolly, simply attach the front. (a dolly is included) (must be unzipped) Urmodder Piper: Sven77b Urmodder Transall: namreh78 (Approval is Vohr) have fun.
Rakovica 135 Turbo
Operating Hours ES Limiter Rundmeluechte Workking lights Tail lights Lights when the drives in reverse Blinkers 4×4………. Download: http://ul.to/uqsr2ovq http://depositfiles.com/files/iod4ehjer
LightsAddon V3.1
· highbeams ( press and hold the lights-key for some seconds to activate the highbeam ) · brakelights · reverselights · direction lights left/right (optional with automatic switch-off) · optional ticksound for the turnlights · hazardlights · parkinglights left/right ( leave the direction lights on when leaving the vehicle ) · parkinglight for the vehicle ( if you set the option lightsStayOn true) · daytime-running-lights · stroboscope flashers (optional defined or random sequence) · seperate switchable workinglights · turn-, reverse– and directionlights are syncronized with attacher vehicle · speed of ... Read more
Claas Xerion 5000
Cab can be rotated (keys NUM_6) button in the modDesc freely assignable – A light, front /back (NUM_4/NUM_5 keys) Keys in the modDesc freely assignable – Indicators (key NUM_1 – NUM_3) keys in the modDesc freely assignable – Lenkart switch (key 9) button in the modDesc assignable – (From buttons on IMAGE /) ESLimiter – Brake lights, reverse light – Operating hours Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120040144/62181ff/Claas_Lexion_770_multifruit_V3.zip.html