Tag: Reworked
Claas Jaguar 900 Field Shuttle pack edit by EddieVegas

To use this mod and to get it into the store you need v2.0 or newer of the game. It’s EASY to read the release notes when you are about to download a mod and find that out instead of complaining before you know. Patch can be found here for the non steam and mac users: Giants update page and its FREE! This is the Jaguar 900 Fieldshuttle pack for LS2011 by Knuuud [LS-UK] and Herrman. Featuring REAL knicksteering, auto aiming in turns, fully washable, fully illuminated. Detach the trailer and attach another while your buddy drives it back to ... Read more
Midwest USA low edition and John Deere Mod Pack

credits. American dairy barn by Axel of Sweden Farm-tank system with two tanks by bjorn-ls Farm Grain Elevator w/Bins by hsshss Unloading by bitten new low poly trees by Vanilleeis Silage pit by Maca Manur and Liquidmanure tubes and pipes and manureconveyer belt by janlanby Giants dairy reskin by jb3pc4sale fence by Sandgrope sheds by Sandgrope I hope I didn’t leave anyone out Reworked By James H Brandt 7750i Sam N and Nocsy JD orbis Agrotron 130 Jirka Sk8mike Mr.F Clod 12 row easy collect JD900 Mr.f Headshot_XXL JD direc disc erba Clod and edits by Jameshbrandt Download: http://ul.to/d4tcn9zn
Fendt Big Bull

Reworked Big Bull of 2009 to Ls 2011 Ls by Logiasus Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129270678/cc8c50c/Fendt_BigBull.zip.html