Tag: rims
Deutz TTV6190 v 2

Description This Deutz TTV6190 comes with brand new wheel rims and tires michelin AXIOBIB and below mentioned specializations. 1.Washable 2.Real Exhausting system 3.Wheel Particle System 4.ESLimiter-KP + / – 5.Manual Ignition-KP Enter 6.All wheel-U 7.Dual Tires-7/8 8.Operating Hours Credits: KROME27 Giants Software
IHC 1055

This, on request from the adjuster of the first models of this tractor we have improved it a bit. Were made because the rear hydraulic lift arms had they not, the wings were closed at the back towards the wheel. It was built and installed an IHC front weights superimposable Stoll FL console. Front loading is included in the package. The rear window was installed Animated and other wheels and rims and the interior redesigned slightly. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?aqw5f6mc63dtg5s http://www.sendspace.com/file/b4oo35

Author: Snapper (with some reuse of other’s work, see below for details) Credits: Sincere thanks and credit to the following people for their works and their generous permission to use them: – Some components from CAT Backhoe model and script by Zippo (with permission) – Outer wheel rims by Scar Man (Google Sketchup Warehouse) (with permission) – Trelleborg TM800 Tyres by Ago–Systemtech ( – rpmLimiter, handThrottle, and manualIgnition scripts by Templaer – Back bucket by Zippo & Nemesis (edit by Snapper) – Front bucket by Giants (edit by Snapper) Copyright information: This model is free to use and edit for ... Read more
Author: Snapper (with some reuse of other’s work, see below for details) Credits: Sincere thanks and credit to the following people for their works and their generous permission to use them: – Some components from CAT Backhoe model and script by Zippo (with permission) – Outer wheel rims by Scar Man (Google Sketchup Warehouse) (with permission) – Trelleborg TM800 Tyres by Ago–Systemtech – rpmLimiter, handThrottle, and manualIgnition scripts by Templaer – Back bucket by Zippo & Nemesis (edit by Snapper) – Front bucket by Giants (edit by Snapper) Copyright information: This model is free to use and edit for your ... Read more
John Deere 7810 Pack
modell edited : Wohlstandskind and templaer Mirrors, steps , rear window and rims : Knagsted rear transmission : mf390 textures remade by : Sotillo some more 3D stuff : Sotillo Modell rebuilt : Sotillo Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134369634/3a3aa80/jd7810pack.zip.html
Here is the third version of the IHC 1455XLA. Added /Changed: Exhaus can be changed Rims were umgeskinnt No log entries more and weights for tune. The ride was somewhat improved and the brake no longer running. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/132225495/87024cd/IHC_1455XLAv3.zip.html
Massey Ferguson 7499 Black Beauty
Description: Modell: templaer Textures: Koozzi Edited: Koozzi Rims: ValtraN111 Download: Massey Ferguson 7499 Black Beauty [Hotfile.com] Download: Massey Ferguson 7499 Black Beauty [Uploading.com]