Tag: Riverside
Stable and BGA for Riversidemap V2

After a lot of people wanted to like to use the stall next to a BGA on the map of Riverside Profarm, and I wanted the barn anyway überarbeutet again, I am endschlossen to add another BGA. This is her in the village from the dealer. In addition, two more were built for high pressure Abladepunkte bundles (see pictures). This can not square or round bales are unloaded / sold! At the barn can be fed corn and grass, which is then written in the PDA well. Barley can be stored at the stable ebenfals and removed (SHOT). Manure and ... Read more
Map Bga

Dies ist die Standard Map mit der Bio Gas Anlage von der Riverside Map und Dem Riverside Hof die Map ist gedacht für Leute die sich nicht die dlc Packs Kaufen wollen oder die einen schwachen PC oder ein Laptop haben.
By the riverside v3 Multifruit / DLC2 BGA

Foreword version 3 on the river bank / Multi Fruit & DLC2 BGAAutor: @ FunkyDie Map the riverside is a newly constructed map, based map to an emptiness of the idea of this map was created by the Riverside Map of Halycon Media … This map is! 1to1 but not a replica with another Objeckten which corresponds approximately to the Riverside Map! This map has the standard four new fruit varieties such as … Sunflower, potato, beet, oats, rye presence is still the DLC2 BGA as a ball yard manure shredder on sale, etc.. Change in the V3! BGA Silofüllmengen ... Read more
By the riverside v 3.0 Multifruit Standard BGA
Download: http://ul.to/z2driziz https://rapidshare.com/files/2455093948/Am_Flussufer_V3.zip
Stable for Riverside Map Mod
Grosser dank geht an Pfreek, da der stall auf seine BGA aufgebaut. Ausserdem an Nikki für seinen Modernen Bullenzuchthof Download: http://ul.to/f3odhwq0 http://uploading.com/files/95e6aa67/RiversideStallV3.rar/
Stable for Riverside Map
Grosser dank geht an Pfreek, da der stall auf seine BGA aufgebaut. Ausserdem an Nikki für seinen Modernen Bullenzuchthof Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135896549/c27c0a8/RiversideStall.rar.html