Tag: Roller
Tromler ballast roller pack

Tromler ballast roller pack Credits: Model: tobsel88/Bindesboel Texture: tobsel88/Bindesboel Washable: Bindesboel Edit: Bindesboel Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?rbm79oa6cbucr83 http://www.sendspace.com/file/7w3gn1
Kesmac Field Roller V2

Hello, This is the Kesmac Field Roller V2. In this version i have add the brilliant spraying script by peterJ and other little tweaks with the model. The spraying script allows you to spray your field with the roller, you simply press ‘B’ and off you go! Credits: Model: leicestershireFarmer Texture: leicestershireFarmer Ingame: Griffy/leicestershireFarmer Script: PeterJ/leicestershireFarmer Thanks to peterJ for the brilliant scrip and Griffy for helping me ingame it. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?50rdvb7o644dp8f http://www.sendspace.com/file/fvujcm
Watson Ballast Roller

On behalf of AT Modding I would like to present to you our Watson Ballast Roller. This specific Watson roller is the 8ft version.The barrel on this is fully animated and To add more realism to the game you can turn on the spray feature so that where you have rolled it will leave a sprayed mark. Credits: Moddel-Farmercal96 Texture-Farmercal96 In_Game-Farmercal96 Script-PeterJ (LS-UK Modteam) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?70m0hsvc8awnugg http://www.sendspace.com/file/v03k1o
Fleming Roller V2
Model: DaleC/sandgroper Texture: DaleC/sandgroper In-game: DaleC/sandgroper Script: PeterJ Testers: jonnydeere/ChrisW/David-96/Tomo23 Download: http://ul.to/ivqnv5ie http://uploading.com/files/caa2ae41/FlemingRoller_V2.zip/