Tag: Rye
John Deere Trailer

This John Deere Trailers setup has: Triple Axle Light Reflective Skin Re Skin End Dump Lights Fruits Wheat, Oat, Rye, Barley, Corn, (Maize), Rice, Canola, (Rape), Mohn, Sunflower, Grass, Chaff, and Drygrass Capacity Of 50,000 I hope you enjoy this trailer and please tell me of any problems you have with it so we can get your problems fixed! Happy Gaming! Credits: Converted By: Kal Modder: Lander, Tr3n3rO, Mario, Jesse James Trailer: Nubsi
LSA Map 2012

Früchte auf der Map : Standard ,Sundflower ,Rye ,Oat , Potato ;Sugarbeet , Erbsen , Soybean , Karotten und Pea . Download:

So, here is the version in the edit alternativtipping ls uk it is everything the same only you can unload the following crops more: Rye grass, oats, potatoes, sugar beets sunflowers and soybeans fertilizer gravel carrots Created the pile with ctrl + x Download:
Mullis V1

Now you can feel the farming taken to extreme level in school atmosphere! My newest map takes place in Finland in an agricultural schoolfarm. FEATURES: – Supported fruits: Barley, Wheat, Rape, Oat, Rye – Proper traffic and pedestrian paths and cowzone – Working PDA map – 13 Different sized fields – River which can devour thoughtless student’s tractor Download: http://ul.to/cla81416