Tag: sand
Weidemann Siebschaufel v 1.0

Siebschaufel for Weidemann for sand-free load of sugar beets and potatoes. Credits: Baggerfahrer aka LH_Dredger aka Jeremy Krohs
Tip Alternative Edit

Description Tip Alternative Edit This is an edit of the tip alternative edit packaged in this mod by SFM Modding The main change is the addition of many more fruit types: wheat barley maize rape chaff manure silage sugarbeet potatoes grass silo rye oat sunflower soybean fertilizer gravel sand and carrots The mod is fully multiplayer compatible PLEASE REMOVE ANY OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS MOD FROM YOUR MODS FOLDER Many thanks to SFM modding for allowing us to edit and upload this Credits SFM Modding Edits: The LS-UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123)
PACK Double grain trailer GUERRA

[gallery link=”file”] That and a double trailer widely used in Brazil, and composed of two trailers, but can be used separately. As highlighted in the LED flashlights, those I modeled from scratch. System has turn signals, brake lights and reverse. Raise the hitch brackets or sable, ai in each region has a different name. The canvas displayed by pressing the “8” and rodoares “9”. Load capacity of 75,000 liters and the first hitch + or – 52 ton rear hitch and 85,000 liters + or – 60 ton with rear unloading. This load is not real but people asked for ... Read more
PACK Double grain trailer GUERRA
That and a double trailer widely used in Brazil, and composed of two trailers, but can be used separately. As highlighted in the LED flashlights, those I modeled from scratch. System has turn signals, brake lights and reverse. Raise the hitch brackets or sable, ai in each region has a different name. The canvas displayed by pressing the “8” and rodoares “9”. Load capacity of 75,000 liters and the first hitch + or – 52 ton rear hitch and 85,000 liters + or – 60 ton with rear unloading. This load is not real but people asked for a higher ... Read more
Quarry Map Mod
This may be the standard map, on which there is now a quarry and a building site, where you with the “Cat dumper” (with it) to pick up and unload sand and stone at the construction site. You can go with the “Cat Dump Truck” directly on the stone–pile of sand and it fills up, or do it manually with an excavator. Download: Quarry map mod
VW LT 45
The LT shall undertake the following types of fruit wheat maize barley grass sunflower rape sugarbeet betterave carrot potato spinach sand blum red cabbage cabbage cabbage white pea soybean rice gelbbo gruenbo savoy cabbage decision pea green cotton wheat alfalfa poppy maize2 oat mint tea nad sugarcane sunflower radish Permitted load of 8 tons Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?77bpdw4idt9dp9x http://www.sendspace.com/file/v2n2ru
Krampe Agroliner v1
Trailer can only attach to tractor’s Original: Giants Rebuilding and Skin: Nubsi Here I offer you the cramp Agroliner. He can be loaded with sand and gravel gravel grass designed specifically for the island country agro IV and the MVFunMap *works MP* Credits: Original: Giants Rebuilding and Skin: Nubsi Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?53n0kapbidsg90h http://www.sendspace.com/file/utuchj
Thuringian Forest Map v 2.0
Was added a gas station (diesel purchase) A sand mining (sand purchase) a station with a train track (no train runs) (sale of sand wheat barley canola corn potatoes, purchase of fertilizer and seed) sale in the wagon or in the field a construction site (selling sand) were on the farm silos replaced by grass and Maissilagesilo New grass texture added have been added power lines the bga has now other silos Download: http://www.fileserving.com/files/Z5eDbfa4xr/Thueringen_v2.zip http://fiberupload.com/spy09afgde13/Thueringen_v2.zip
Velkomoravska Risa
– bga bgasilo haybale strawbale – woods sunflower sugarbeet potato sunflower water manure liquid manure milk sand – working PDA map 4x biggest the size Download:
tymap v1.1
This is my new map. reforms: -The growth time corrected -Sand driving the opportunity to -New start vehicles -Potato and sugar beet of the sale -Three new fields Download: http://ul.to/h6lshi89