Tag: sandro
John Deere 1175 AP

Modelo:Sandro Script: FS_ADM texture/edit:vinicius LS Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ews08b66ss92tme http://www.sendspace.com/file/jc2tn1

Pack: 2 Trailers fruit=wheat barley rape maize silage grass dryGrass sugarbeet carrot potato sunflower maize2 spinat oat mohn betterave karotte sand rotkohl blumkohl soybean pea weisskohl gelbbo gruenbo rice erbse wirsingkohl luzerne nad sugarcane greewheat Models/Scripts/Textura/Som: Formula_1 Thaks: FazendeiroBR, Sandro Download:
Terras Sul Map

Credits: Criação do mapa : John Anthony, e Jean Alberto Adição de novas Culturas : Sandro Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126210433/4dc5777/MapaTerrasSul.zip.html
New Holland TC 59
Credits: TC59 Modelo:Knagsted and FazendeiroBR Textures: Atayna Sound:fazendeiroBR Script Sandro Agradecimentos: John Anthonnyy, Mario www.farming-simulator.blogspot.com Plataforma Modelo:Ataynã & FazendeiroBR Textures: FazendeiroBR,johnanthonyy, ataynã Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125770082/678239d/TC59_descompacte_nos_mods.rar.html
Credits: N: 1 Model, Script, Textur, Sons: FORMULA_1 Agradecimentos: FazendeiroBr, Sandro http://farming-simulator-br.blogspot.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125768982/e3410c1/BITREM_3_EIXOS.zip.html
Intrac 2004 Spritze v 2.0 [mp]
Credits: Modell: FazendeiroBR und Formula_1 Scripts: Sandro Edit: sim2009 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121510036/a37e6f9/Intrac_2004_spritze.zip.html
Scania 111 S v 2
Credits: Model/Sound/Script by: FazendeiroBR, Jader Versao 2.0 – Novo:Multigraos, Lona, Reflexos, Painel by: Gaxi e Sandro Textures: Jader Edit: Jader www.jader-ls-mods.blogspot.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120038136/7a8adb0/Scania_111_S.zip.html
SLC 7200 Turbo
Description: Original modell, Freddy.com, NH G240 Edit Modell, Texturas: Sandro Script, In-Game: FS_ADM Download: SLC 7200 Turbo [Hotfile.com] Download: SLC 7200 Turbo [Uploading.com]
NH CR9090 (New AP)
Description: Original: wohlstandskind and yekk1 LS2011 anpassung von Elli New AP – Sandro Download: NH CR9090 (New AP) [Hotfile.com]