Tag: Schl
Schlüter 2500 TVL professional Trac v 1

Description So I have revised the final version of the 2500 VL‘s again, and voila, was created something I call myself Schlüter 2500 TVL professional Trac. Credits: Giants BärMod
Schlüter Super Trac 3000

Modell: schlueterfan1977 Textur: schlueterfan1977 Ingame: schlueterfan1977 Scripts: modelleicher(RadsturzV2, Zylinder, realExhaustParticleSystem, realisticIndoorCam,visibilityByAttachedObject) Face(PowerShaft, OperatingHours, ESLimiter); Mythos(extraWeights); MR.X(gasLimiter) Sven777b(BelV3, toggleAnimatedParts) Sound: Balu
MB trac 800 Frontloader

MB-Trac is a tractor series of German car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz, which was produced from the 1970s to the 1990s. It was developed on the basis of Unimog aggregates, however, had a rigid rear axle. With the MB-Trac, the concept of the Unimog agriculture, for which he was originally thought to be brought closer. The brand continues to be protected for Daimler AG This 800 trac got.: – PowerShaft – ESLimitier – OperatingHours – toggleAnimatedParts – BeleuchtungV3 – Twin wheels – Frontloader – some small Modell Changes Credits Modell: schlueterfan1977 Ingame: modelleicher Credits.: – Schlüterfan – modelleicher – Face – Sven777b ... Read more
MB Trac 1500 construction v2.1
Urmoddel: Koedel Neu/umbau: Schlüterfan77, Thielus 2.0 Umbau: Zoppotrumb
Schlueter Eurotrac 2000 LS
Schlueter Eurotrac 2000 LS Credits: Schlüterfan 1977, Agrarflächendesigner Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?zn8v3w5xuw57eip http://www.sendspace.com/file/ll2dvu
Fendt Favorit 818 v2.0
Such a good afternoon Modhoster community I have the good of Fendt 818 Fendt Schlüterfan1977 in the right color, it has made him so purely made only in petroleum A big thank you to the Schlüterfan1977 Erlaupnis Thank you It has been made all functions like the FAVORIT 824 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?bxobwznj43vtovw http://www.sendspace.com/file/2qdshu
Schlüter Super 2000 TVL v1.3
Urmodell: Schlüterfan Umbau: Miichi77 u. thestey9094 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?853v4hx6n933lt5 http://www.sendspace.com/file/0bayos
Schlüter Super 2500 VL v2.0 Bundeswehr-Edition
Anders wie geplant erscheint jetzt diese Version als V2! Eine Bundeswehredition gibt es zwar selten, aber es gibt sie in Echt! Viel Spaß damit! Credits: schlüterfan1977 konvertiert: Bach97 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?baicz1m59lranay http://www.sendspace.com/file/28221n