Tag: Script Face
Claas liner 330 S

Description Finaly i made this liner to Fs/Ls 2011 :) Pleas Unzip it. Credits Modell: steyr1 Script: Face Performance-Tuning: MadMax Herausgeber: SFM-Modding SKin: FRANK CADILLAC Convert By : Gold.2009
kuhn GMD 4010 V2 mod

Credits Modell: Steyr 1 Script: Face Performance-Tuning: Mad Max Herausgeber: SFM-Modding ls ready. Martin97 (Brose) LBell: Uploader
Kuhn GA 431 GM

Description Have fun with it.. Credits Modell: steyr1 Script: Face Performance-Tuning: MadMax
John Deere 8360R ILS v2.0.1
hi all i make this little update 8360R ILS v2.0.1 real normal wheel front loader quicke Q98 jd-shovel jd weight —————————————- on this pack you have: 1x jd 8360r ils updated 1x quicke Q98 control on mice 1x jd weight 1x jd shovel -3 camera -light attacher: -rear powerShaftAttacher -front/rear 3 points -trailer —————————————- update: adjust real wheel scale adjust suspention adjust center mass adjust radius add and adjust rear 3 point adjust front weight attacher add and adjust wheel weight ————————————— key: -3 points up/down -V -light -F -attacher-Q -W forward -A turn left -S reverse -D right ———————————— ... Read more
John Deere 7710 & 7810
► John Deere 7710 FL ► John Deere 7810 ► Frontloader ► Bucket ► Weight Features: ► Manual Ignition ► Adjustable hook ► IC ► Beacon ► AO Texture Controls: NP. ► Start NP5 ► Worklight front NP6 ► Worklight bacl IC ► Open doors/backwindow IC ► Frontlinkage (7810) 7 ► Dual wheels IC ► Turn beacon Home ► Activate beacon Credits John Deere 7710 FL Modell: Koedel Textur: Stefan Ingame/Script:Stefan,818vario,MF390 John Deere 7810 Modell: Koedel Textur: Stefan Ingame/Script:Tobii,Stefan,818Vario Frontloader Modell: Bigfarmer145 Textur: Bigfarmer145 und 818vario Script: Face Bucket Particelsystem: Arnold Script: Heady Weight Modell: 4tracteur4 Conversion: lolo1212 Script/Ingame: Sylvain01
Valtra 35, 45, 55, 65 and 75
Her you have a Valtra frontloader pack!! I have reskin the Q55 (Quicke35, 45, 55 65 and 75) Enjoy! PS unzip befor gameing! Credits Modell: Bigfarmer145 Textur: Bigfarmer145 Script: Face LS11: hanslanzmanns Reskin: Mortenboy98
Massey Ferguson 290 + Hydramet Kit
The Massey Ferguson 290 is a skin of the highly popular ‘Ursus 3514’ mod by TL-Modding. We have improved all aspects of the mod. From it’s features, to it’s performance. The only thing lacking is 1:1 Scaling. Due to complex reasons, to do with the model, it will not be available. Information on the Mods: Massey Ferguson 290: To start the mod use KeyPad Enter (Once) in the information box it will state if you have ignited the ignition or not. To activate Steering Lock Press KeyPad 5, the Green in the top right denotes it is not active, the ... Read more
Case 721e Loader for DLC2 BGA inc. shovel (English)
Modell: Giants Ingame: fabilehner Umbau/Skin: Alfkiller, Fisker & Bindesboel Edit: Mofa-Killer Script: Face, sven777b
Kuhn GMD 4010 V2
This is the Kuhn GMD 4010 mower. I first found the mod in Ls09 and it was a great mower. And just a short wile ago i found it for Ls11 and i thought it needed a bit more detail so the is the Version 2 with more detail. Hope you like it theanks for downloading. Feachers: 3 point linkage atachment Cuts the grass into rowes Is a great mower of all farms Credits: Modell: Steyr 1 Script: Face Performance-Tuning: Mad Max Herausgeber: SFM-Modding ls ready. Martin97 (Brose) LBell: Uploader Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?nbynk91zt2s2rdq http://www.sendspace.com/file/pyhp2u
Pöttinger Euro Top
Modell: steyr1 Barei Textur: Face, BigFarmer145 Barei Ingame: Face Script: Face Uploader: LBell Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?rbbfhd4hhn5886k http://www.sendspace.com/file/81225t