Description Deeploader with hitch for tractors or for behind a truck. This loader has a lowered floor with ramps, so it can transport your machines or tractors. Credits Modell: SirRobin Textur: SirRobin Script: Geri-G...
Description Deeploader with hitch for tractors or for behind a truck. This loader has a lowered floor with ramps, so it can transport your machines or tractors. Credits Modell: SirRobin Textur: SirRobin Script: Geri-G...
Edited JR TABLADILLO Ingame/Script: Geri-G ls11 .lua fix and edit :ViC77 Download:
I can start by telling you that this mod is scaled 1:1. For those of you who have tried the original Modcontest 7530, probably know that it has a bug that dosn’t let you...
Credits: Idee/Ratgeber: ClaasAxion850 Vormodell: Tim1230 Modell, Textur: Repi Ingame, Animationen: Repi Script: Geri-G/Repi Download:
Model/Texture: Bigfarmer145 Sound: Sevorane In-game: Geri-G Script: Geri-G/Face Edit: DaleC Testing: JonnyDeere, Danthefarmerboy, David-96, Tomo23 & HaaaaryXD Download:
Jaguar 980 Model: Claasveet81 Reflections skin: RSAntilles Pu 300 HD Modell: Bigfarmer145 und MAurUS Textur (AO): MAurUS Script: Geri-G, Giants Claas Orbis 750 Model: Unbekannt Texture(AO): MAurUS Script: Giants, Mr. F Download:
Description: Funktionen MAN RUL Blinker Standlicht Fernlicht Arbeitslicht Funktionen Goldhofer STZ Animierte Rampenhydraulik Ladeflächenverbreiterung KP 8 STVO einrichtung RUL Credits: MAN TGX Modell GTS Umbau VWFahrer80 Ingame und Textur VWFahrer80 Beleuchtungsscript Sven777b Goldhofer Tieflader...
Credits: Der neue Deutz Agrovector mit einem weiteren Ausleger. Modell: Giants/Bigfarmer145 Raeder: MF390 Textur: agronom-cz Script: Geri-G Download: