Tag: Script Giants
Akpil Tygrys FS2013 v 2.0

Description 24 disk harrow with packer, produced by Akpil. Power requirements: over 100 bhp Credits: Model: Spinah In-game: Spinah Script: Giants FS2013: sheldonxx30
Meadow roller v1.0

Features: “Transport mode” – depends on the road in a row Fertilizing function in the field Grass is rolled flat (growth stage on level 1) Manually operated foot (go to support foot and press “Q”) Animated handbrake Washable Dirt flies from the “doctor” ( image ) Info: Construction (model): 2-3 hours Polys: about 8848 Working width: about 3.6 meters Scale: 1:1 Credits Modell, Textur, Ingame: MAurUS Script: Giants, Face, MAurUS
Maschio Bisonte 280

Modell: FendtFarmer Textur: daniel11 Ingame: AndyW / Fiat80-90DT Script: Giants / Sven777b / Fiat80-90DT / Face
Kuhn & Vicon Butterfly Mower Pack 100% Grass regrowth

Here is the Vicon front mower and the Kuhn rear butterfly mower put into a pack to make a triple mower pack. These mowers do not kill the grass and allow full regrowth. These mowers allow fields to be cut quickly and efficiently. They are not my mods. Full credits have been given below. Credits: Vicon model & texture- ClaasJaguar870 Ingame- Claasjaguar870 Script- Giants software Kuhn Umbau: Andi (6630) LS11 ready + Skin: X318iX/sven777b/Dorminator Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?dc8o3oq813ei7qe http://www.sendspace.com/file/uwpk3x
Valtra T131 hitech
Modell: Saemo Textures: Saemo,ValtraN111,Koozzi,XarioN,emil_99 InGame: Saemo Edit: emil_99 Script: Giants Software Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?lyfkkxhw002jb03 http://www.sendspace.com/file/hjj4rp
Gewicht 600Kg
Modell:Giants Script:Giants Skin:Giants Mod:fendt-fan02 Konvertierung:fend-fan02 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?vr9d1eq75e8ccjv http://www.sendspace.com/file/g9ci0s
Lizard 2850
Modell:Giants Script:Giants Skin:Giants Kovertierung:fendt-fan02 Mod:fendt-fan02 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?y5f4anmdvmvmln5 http://www.sendspace.com/file/ndn08a
Fleming 2000 v 2.2
This is the Fleming 2000 Liquid manure from Solanz with new (dirty) skin, new tires and Customized Size (Suitable for 1-1 mods, accurate measurements on tap I had not, unfortunately). Enjoy your ride;) manure Features fertilize Power detention Credits & Thanks Model | solanz & BlackFox Texture | solanz & BlackFox Script | Giants & SFM Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?23gcx1rhe85yaaj http://www.sendspace.com/file/m444fx
Claas Liner 4000
Credits: Copyright © GIANTS Software GmbH, All Rights Reserved. Modell: BigFarmer145 Wheels: Giants Software Textur: Bigfarmer145 Script: Giants Software, Face, Sven777b LS11: hanslanzmanns Download:
Animated (red/white) Guard Barriers
Original Model: Giants Script: Giants Texture: Sandgroper Download: http://ul.to/abepo51q