Tag: Script Outlaw
Lemken Gigant 1400 Black Beauty Reskin

Full Animated AI Helper Field-border detection Light, Brakelight, Turnlights, Warnlights Beacon Key´s: N = Transport / Workmode M = Lower / Raise K = Beacon Numpad / = field-border detection ( SwitchLimit2Field mod by Sven777b is needed) Numpad1 = Turnlight left Numpad2 = Warnlights Numpad3 = Turnlight right Credits: Modell: Claasy und sk8mike Textur: sk8mike Script: Outlaw / Face / Jegge LS11 Conversion: Jegge Script Edit: Jegge Reskin: Henk Giertank Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?6jm5f2202z4q2f2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/8iogxl
Rekordia Schleppschlauch

This is the Rekordia Schleppschlauch liquid manure spreader. The tank capacity is 25000 gallons. In store price: $35000. – Button R to refill at liquid manure tank – Button X to fold out spray arms – Button B to start injecting liquid manure Credits: Original mod makers: Modell/Textur: daniel11 Script: Outlaw Sound: sevorane Performance-Tuning: MadMax Conversion to 2011: Deek and Wizznall Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ttcp1uh8lgfbdoi http://www.sendspace.com/file/6rtcth
Claas Cougar 1400 v 2.1 Beta Version

Modell & Textur: Geri G (aus LS09) NewSound & NewSkin: oberdepp Script: Outlaw LS11 ready: Chan Fixes: oberdepp Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?p196oay964arwc7 http://www.sendspace.com/file/plgcfn
Pichon 18.000L manure spreader
Modell: 818vario Textur & Ingame: Tobii Script: Outlaw[Rekordia] Edit,re-skin: Sotillo Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?k0e6x2e2u65iw5v
Ascanelli magnum chaser bin (BETA)
Model:Julian11 Texture:Julian11 Script:Outlaw Download: http://ul.to/bphdpwl0
VENNINGS 59TON chaser bin
Model:Bigfarmer Texture:Bigfarmer Script:Outlaw skin: NewHollandMAN (me) Download: http://ul.to/rqf33c1j
J&M Grain Cart
This is an edit by me of the Veenhuis Grain Cart key O pipe transport/work position key K down pipe key L up pipe key M start unload key N pipelight load capacity 25 000kg Credits: Modell: Bigfarmer145 Textur: Bigfarmer145 Script: Outlaw Test: Psycho,Noppi LS 2011 ready: spider100 Veenhuis wheels: gypsy5 J&M skin: NewHollandMAN Download:
Kire S 12
Farming Simulator 2011 Kire S 12 mod download Credits: Modell: Nappo Textur: Nappo Script: Outlaw Download Kire S 12 for farming simulator 2011 http://ul.to/v8k1b5rs
AGROMET T–041-K. 10 tonner
Modell: Nappo Textur: Nappo Script: Outlaw Edits and Reskin: Kay123 Download: http://ul.to/ravwotls http://uploading.com/files/4595633c/Agromet.zip/
Lemken Giant 1400
Modell: Claasy und sk8mike Textur: sk8mike Script: Outlaw script edit + mp sKyDaNcEr www.luackerman.de Download: http://ul.to/73s1zjrm