Tag: scripting
Land Rover Defender 110 mod

Credits Model: Robert997 Ingame:Robert997 some scripting:Robert997 original base model:SFM Modding
Double Weight V mod

Description I just made a re-skin of it. i have nothing to do with the modelling or scripting side of this so please don\’t ask me about that sort of info. please comment of what you think of my reskin Credits Paysan Breton et bayn Re skin: Joshua Ward
Kenmore Park (Australian Map)

knagsted – john deere engine Maca – Grain elevator Britten – dumping grain pad Ace-uk – original map Sandgroper – All sheds Also thank you to Rustydog and jb3pc4sale for your assistance of map scripting issues. Download: http://ul.to/2y1522qs http://www.sendspace.com/file/rpgn3q
Berry Hill Farm DLC 2 only FIXED 2

FMC for the trigger to work the gates Slartibartfast for the manure plain in the shed and the cow shed sandgroper for fencing The MODTEAM for their lovely British sheds and their houses and some textures Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for the DLC2 BGA Idea – Slartibartfast, Design – Solanz, Ingame- Solanz, Testing – FarmerTobben, animation – Dr-uptown all these people the 6 Bar Gate Cadaver for the manure and liquid manure tip point model-farmer54 and Andrew Stanford for British shed pack model/texture/ingame – andrew Stanford for the Earvale Dealership Idea: roof Killer , Model: ... Read more
BETA-RELEASE: Sugarbeet Mod
This is the sugarbeet Mod. This package comes as a “beta-release” due to some unresolved bugs and some bad scripting work. The package contains : – an updated version of the “alternativeTipping” from SFM Modding – a MapFruit zip file to manage sugarbeet fruit ingame – Agronomic Cultivator (acts like a sprayer) – Brimont 24T trailer – C12 Gilles Seeder – Cochet Pozossol trailer – Gilles AD-49 lifter – Gilles TR-16 defoliator – Gilles RB410T sugarbeet harvester combine version – Gilles RB410T sugarbeet harvester alternative tipping version – John Deere 7720 with additional wheels – Liebherr 904SE excavator and sugarbeet ... Read more
Risslingby_V2 Multifruit
Thanks to: rallyjoel Scripting and mp testing Bonde09 buildings and objects made by: Axel_of_Sweden Samuelswe Venom Download: http://ul.to/1zpeto3w
Case IH 1255 XL v aus ls 09
Credits: Modell: Templaer Textur: Templaer Scripting: Siwus konvertieren:Hase 1 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120041186/4b1fbb9/IH_1255.zip.html
Lamborghini 774DT
Description: Modell: matteo135 Textur: matteo135 Scripting: matteo135 Download: Lamborghini 774DT [Hotfile.com] Download: Lamborghini 774DT [Uploading.com]