Tag: Scripts Geri
Warwick Bale Trailer

Here is my Warwick Bale Trailer, sorry for the delay for release but it has been having texture changes and problems with its bale locking in multiplayer. But don’t worry this is all fixed and ready to use on your farm in Farming Simulator. Enjoy! Credits Model: Jack Texture: Jack/Rasvy Ingame: Jack Scripts: Geri-G & Sven777b
Rysky Transport Trailer

These are the Ryskys that I have made. You can lock the bales, objects, etc. by pressing the O button. Don’t edit this mod to the public use without my permission! Credits Modell: Farmari99 Textures: Farmari99 In-Game: Farmari99 Scripts: Geri-G
Quicke Bale Fork – Telehandler

Strawmod ready. Mp ready. Telehandler compatible Credits Modell: Venom Texture: Venom Scripts: Geri-G
Multiva TRM 180 P
Modell/textures: Venom In-game: Venom Scripts: Geri-G/Sven777b Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136938536/67a2065/MultivaTRM180P.zip.html
Quicke BaleFork
Description: Modell: Venom Texture: Venom Scripts: Geri-G Download: Quicke BaleFork [Hotfile.com] Download: Quicke BaleFork [Uploading.com]