Tag: seed
Horsch Express 3 TD v 1.0

Description This is the original Horsch Express 3 TD Giants, … They’ve just rewritten as mod, did the seed hopper on the volume greater and if you buy it, it is already filled … Credits: Original Giants
FunMod Grimme GL 1220 v 1.0

Description Today I’d like to publish one of my mods, just in advance is this is a FunMod because I primarily in contractor mode toys me decide Kartoffellegemaschienen too small and since I still have found nothing useful to have a progress Mars-62 SA 2-077 I build myself unceremoniously the Grimme GL220 decided to adapt my needs and they’ve rebuilt so I’m on a working width of 12 rows. Since this is a V1 hierbe sure one or the other will be errors such as the minimum will wiggle in the transport position but what I’ll fix on occasion but ... Read more
Agroliner TUW 20

Description Very detailed trailer, you can fill you seed, this trailer have tent, how to use you can see on the video Credits Modelo e Texturas: Daniel11 Script e InGame: sven18koehler
Amazone Cayena 6001 v 1

Description Amazone Cayena 6001 From FS2013 By Giants have Software.I seed Increased capacity to 5500 litres.Works upto 25mph. Credits: Giants Software
Agroliner TUW 20
Description Very detailed trailer, you can fill you seed, this trailer have tent, how to use you can see on the video Credits Modelo e Texturas: Daniel11 Script e InGame: sven18koehler
Bauer Built DB44 24 row planter mod
Description Bauer Built DB44 24 row corn forward folding seeder This seeder also cultivates the ground at the same time. Can be filled using the normal seed triggers. An excellent model that takes some time to get used to. Following is a rough guide on how to get it to work. Please Note: You will need a good sized tractor that has a good sized front weight. To prepare the seeder for transport: Press KP5 to lower the Transport Wheels, press again when they are fully lowered; Press KP6 to raise the rear attacher to the top; Press X to ... Read more
Hired Worker Consumes Fuel and Seeds v 2.0
The mod makes sure that the Satgutbehälter of the drill and the saw is the medium tank capacity is less economical I mean that if you einstelt the Hälfer the abziet so the seed and fuel. So that sometimes the seed refill sometimes must. Credits: Der Urmodder: audia8dup1
Hoosierland Farm
This farm is a flat, open farm with medium to large fields. The field shapes and sizes are based on real life fields in my area. To be true to the Indiana farm type, there are only 3 crops available in the map: Wheat, Soybean, and Corn. There are 691 acres of fields in this map. There is one main farm in the Southwest corner with a dealership across the street. Cargill and Pioneer seed are available to sell your crops. Pioneer Seed also has seed, fertilizer, and bale shredder. Main farm has small cow area with grass and silage ... Read more
John Deere 1760 12 row planter V1.2
This is an improvement on V1.1 by nonomi of the original mod by Knagsted and is uploaded with permission of Knagsted. The lua script has been replaced with the 1760 script Tubman did for the IH Cyclo planter. Tubman unfortunately seems to be uncontactable. The capacity is unchanged at 1000 as this appears to be close to correct, equating to approx 36 bushels. The price has been changed to 49000 about average for a used one. Fruits supported are now: wheat oat barley rape sunflower mohn rice soybean erbsen pea carrot potato grass maize maizev2 nad sugarcane sugarbeet cotton rye ... Read more
Thuringian Forest Map v 2.0
Was added a gas station (diesel purchase) A sand mining (sand purchase) a station with a train track (no train runs) (sale of sand wheat barley canola corn potatoes, purchase of fertilizer and seed) sale in the wagon or in the field a construction site (selling sand) were on the farm silos replaced by grass and Maissilagesilo New grass texture added have been added power lines the bga has now other silos Download: http://www.fileserving.com/files/Z5eDbfa4xr/Thueringen_v2.zip http://fiberupload.com/spy09afgde13/Thueringen_v2.zip