Tag: seeder
Bauer Built DB44 24 row planter mod

Description Bauer Built DB44 24 row corn forward folding seeder This seeder also cultivates the ground at the same time. Can be filled using the normal seed triggers. An excellent model that takes some time to get used to. Following is a rough guide on how to get it to work. Please Note: You will need a good sized tractor that has a good sized front weight. To prepare the seeder for transport: Press KP5 to lower the Transport Wheels, press again when they are fully lowered; Press KP6 to raise the rear attacher to the top; Press X to ... Read more
Lemken 27 MTS
A massive seeder perfect for large tracts of land.It seeds all major fruits with an capacity of 9 tons and is nearly 27 metres in width. IT IS A COMPLETE RESKIN OF PRONTO27 IN LEMKEN COLOURS. Credits GIANTS SOFT RESKIN-ls2011e
Amazone Big dog Seeder
A large surface seeder.It supports all major seeds with a 6000 litre capacity tank.It is completely reskinned in amazone citan colors and new washable skin.Use it with any tractor but try it behind an articulated tractor and u will see it leaves no empty spots at headland turns in helper mode. IT IS THE HORSCH BIG DOG SEEDER WITH AMAZONE SKIN AND NEW WASHABLE DIRT COLOR Credits Modell: Giants Soft Animation: Dietschnnorbert Askari
Downtown Abbey Farms
Downtown Abbey Farms v 1 This is the Down Town Abbey Farms (V1) This is my first English map i made it in 3 days it have’s 8 fields Small/Medium/Large Fiels It have’s : Silage pit Grass pit Cow farm bale shed’s and fill point’s for seeder sprayers manure spreaders and diesel tank sell point. Download: http://ul.to/qg3fol4u http://freakshare.com/files/sv4hxhy4/DownTownAbbeyFarms.zip.html
IH 400 Cyclo Planter Pack
This is the IH Cyclo 400 planter (seeder) from 2009 by mifku. It has been converted to LS 11. This is a seeder that has to be filled to work. It uses Knagsted‘s JD 1760 script. The marker arms do work! I was told it was for SP only so I do not know if it will work in MP. There are two versions in the pack. Version 1 is an old rusty looking version and Version 2 is a new looking version. This is only a 6 row planter but it works very well. It has been tested to ... Read more
Unia Focus 700 Active
Unia seeding pack. The seeder doesn’t need to be filled Button: J + K: active markers J: left marker K: right marker L: back marker Modell: LordNyax Textur: John–Deere 6930 Script/Ingame: John–Deere 6930 Unia skin: Buzz Umbau Manson Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129705754/a3b1a47/Unia-Focus-700-Active.rar.html
Holmer Family
Description: HOLMER BY-LUKIBOY MOD PARTS FROM: HOLMER Originalmodell aus LS08/modder Hawkeye, ingame/Umbau/skript-LS09-Larry skin/texture-Monster HORSCH SEEDER Model, Texture, Script and Ingame by Knagsted (not till seeder) ZUNHAMMER Originalmodell aus LS08/modder Hawkeye, ingame/Umbau/skript-LS09-Larry skin/texture-Monster Giants: Horsch joker6CT, pronto9DC HORSCH TIGER 8LT Modell: Daniel11 Textur: Daniel11 Script: sven18koehler XerionSaddleTrack Modell: Mev01, Templair, Acid_Burn84, MxY.rlp, sven18koehler, Blackzeus, Pumaonegollo, LSFarmer Ingame 09: Jack85 Edit: Siwus Download: Holmer Family [Hotfile.com]