Tag: Seeding
Bga Map v 1

3 New manure belts; New grass texture; New Cultivator texture; Seeding new texture; 1 bale shredder; New manure texture; New manure texture; New corn texture; New road texture; 1 New Silagesilo; 1 New Grassilo; Download: http://ul.to/0crljh8e http://www.fileserving.com/files/4wTxaTdhui/Bga_Map.zip
My first map v 1.1

3 New manure belts; New grass texture; New Cultivator texture; Seeding new texture; 1 bale shredder; New manure texture; New manure texture; New corn texture; New road texture; 1 New Silagesilo; 1 New Grassilo. Download: http://ul.to/50pwsufx http://www.fileserving.com/files/35y-s9XYxq/Meiene_Erste_Map.zip
John Deere 6930 Seeding Pack

Description: Possibly the best 6930 mod Ive seen! Features: -motorized -steerable -hirable -aiTractor -Es-limiter -Opining Doors and Windows -Front Hitch Unfold/Fold -Indicators -Working lights -Becon Lights -Pipe for Amozone Detectible And attachable -Folding of Rear Tools This is a PACK! Please UNZIP ALL Files! Credits: Model: Johny 6530 Desperados93 Model edited: SergitoJD Textures: SergitoJD Ingame: Johny 6530 Desperados93 Sounds: SergitoJD Scripts: SergitoJD & Johny 6530 Desperados93 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?4snx4m4jggst1c4 http://www.sendspace.com/file/lrxdel
Amozone Seeding Pack
Ingame: @poc@lypse Paintjob : balow67 Declinaison: Balow67 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?d8hmb21vtdtg2u7 http://www.sendspace.com/file/6l3ji5
Seeding texture
Copy and replace files from the downloaded folder to you map-textures-foliage folder. Download: http://ul.to/vjxoz23q