Tag: SergitoJD
John Deere 6930 Seeding Pack

Description: Possibly the best 6930 mod Ive seen! Features: -motorized -steerable -hirable -aiTractor -Es-limiter -Opining Doors and Windows -Front Hitch Unfold/Fold -Indicators -Working lights -Becon Lights -Pipe for Amozone Detectible And attachable -Folding of Rear Tools This is a PACK! Please UNZIP ALL Files! Credits: Model: Johny 6530 Desperados93 Model edited: SergitoJD Textures: SergitoJD Ingame: Johny 6530 Desperados93 Sounds: SergitoJD Scripts: SergitoJD & Johny 6530 Desperados93 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?4snx4m4jggst1c4 http://www.sendspace.com/file/lrxdel
John deere 6830 premium edited SergitoJD

Model: Johny 6530 Desperados93 Model edited: SergitoJD Textures: SergitoJD Ingame: Johny 6530 Desperados93 Sounds: SergitoJD Scripts: SergitoJD & Johny 6530 Desperados93 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?u34l6m8p37qh86w http://www.sendspace.com/file/vt4xm7
Lithuanian farm V.2 edited

This one is the version V.2 of Lithuanian_farm edited for sergitoJD: – it consists of a farm of medium – big size with wide zones of cultures and a great zone of you go it is allowed to which enter with vehicles. I hope that they enjoy it. Regards from españa Original:Zoli 108,Vmarci lsportal Edited V.2: sergitoJD country: Spain Download: http://ul.to/kr4x1l02
John deere 3140 frontloader
Autor:(3050)Templaer new textures: SergitoJD frontloader: SergitoJD country: Spain Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135266762/34be667/john_deere3140.zip.html
Lithuanian_farm V.2edited
Original:Zoli 108,Vmarci lsportal Edited V.2: sergitoJD country: Spain Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135265363/895ca67/Lithuanian_farm.zip.html
John deere 4040 edited
JD 4040 edited: by:Knagsted edit:SergitoJD Country: Spain Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134747754/f48e80c/JD_4040_2wd_Ap.zip.html