Tag: Sevorane
Kirovets K700

Credits: – Bigfarmer145 (Dirt Texture) – Sevorane (Sound) Edit:MT3-80 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123365135/c7fc44a/openme.zip.html
CLAAS Xerion Saddle Trac 2.0

Description: Modell: Mev01 & acid_Burn84 Textur: mev01 & acid_Burn84 sounds: Sevorane Script: Acid_Burn84 Reifen: templair Download: CLAAS Xerion Saddle Trac 2.0 [Hotfile.com]
CASE Maxxum 5150 v1.1

Description: Modell: MF390 Textur: MF390 Sound: Sevorane Script: Headshot XXL, Mr.F Changelog v1.1: – Radcolli höher gestzt gegen aufsetzen – Sound errors gefixt – Bremslicht hinzugefügt – Breakforce erhöht, dass die handbremse auch wirkung zeigt – Collimaske eingetragen, kann nun betankt werden usw. – Ap erkennt mehr foliages (Danke an Kreimy) – Animierter Fl Joystick – Neue Reifen – Größerer Lenkeinschlag – Blinker Rechts is nun richtigrum – Innenraum etwas heller – Fl joint fester Download: CASE Maxxum 5150 v1.1 [Hotfile.com] Download: CASE Maxxum 5150 v1.1 [Uploading.com]
Kirovets Super Pack

Description: Kirovets K 700A Modell: steyr1 Texture,Script: Face, DirtTexture: BigFarmer145 Performance-Tuning: MadMax, Sound: Sevorane Publisher: SFM-Modding, Kolesa: MAC, Edit By: dimaks and Erlan10 Kirovets K 700 modeling and texturing: Brain scripts: Brain Kolesa: MAC Sound: Sevorane and komet Edit by: Erlan10 and dimaks Kirovets K 700A V2 Modell: steyr1 Texture,Script: Face, DirtTexture: BigFarmer145 Performance-Tuning: MadMax, Sound: Sevorane Publisher: SFM-Modding, Edit By: Erlan10 Download: Kirovets Super Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Kirovets Super Pack [Uploading.com]
Rekordia Pack
Description: Modell/Noppi/Textur/Ingame: daniel11 Script: Outlaw Sound: sevorane Performance-Tuning: MadMax Download: Rekordia Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Rekordia Pack [Uploading.com]
Rekordia Pumptankfahrzeug XXL
Description: Modell/Textur: daniel11 Script: Outlaw|Sound: sevorane|Performance-Tuning: MadMax Animations & Licht Edit by Mario Download: Rekordia Pumptankfahrzeug XXL [Hotfile.com] Download: Rekordia Pumptankfahrzeug XXL [Uploading.com]
Zunhammer Güllepumpfass
Description: Modell / Texture: daniel11 LS 2009 Original: daniel11, Outlaw, sevorane, MadMax LS 11 Ready edmond1010 & Nowo27 Umbau: Sascha170285 Skin: Sascha170285 Download: Zunhammer Güllepumpfass [Hotfile.com] Download: Zunhammer Güllepumpfass [Uploading.com]
Modsource Map v3
Description: Modelle und Felder: Bigfarmer145 Organisationen Ideen und Hofgestaltung: Sevorane Download: Modsource Map v3 [Hotfile.com] Download: Modsource Map v3 [Uploading.com]
Modsource Map v5
Description: Modelle und Felder: Bigfarmer145 Organisationen Ideen und Hofgestaltung: Sevorane Download: Modsource Map v5 [Hotfile.com] Download: Modsource Map v5 [Uploading.com]
Rekordia Pack
Description: Modell/Noppi/Textur/Ingame: daniel11 Script: Outlaw Sound: sevorane Performance-Tuning: MadMax Download: Rekordia Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Rekordia Pack [Uploading.com]