Case Steiger STX600 Quadtrac
Credits: original Mod:balogh2003 Trac script: shangri66 MP ready: Martin94 Edit by : ColaKorn Download:
Credits: original Mod:balogh2003 Trac script: shangri66 MP ready: Martin94 Edit by : ColaKorn Download:
to take the cab of press KP-3 to open the light press KP-1 to lift the blade press KP-8 to lower the blade press KP-2 to move the bar left...
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Credits: This is the Claas Lexion 480 (turbo)+ C600 cutter Modell: Shangri 66 Script addon: surci (HUN) New Sound: surci(HUN) Download:
Credits: Modell, shangri66, Scriptanpassung: Transformers, Vorsprung durch Inovation und Technick Ein Drescher fuer den Mittelstaendischen bis groesseren Landwirt LS 2011: Vooki Download:
Credits: CLAAS Lexion 770 Mähdrescher Modell: Shangri66 Ingame, script: Defender Reflections: RSAntilles Download:
Description: Modell/Textur: Wohlstandskind Räder: Shangri Rebuild and modification: Clondike Download: John Deere 8530 [] Download: John Deere 8530 []
Description: Modell: balogh2003 Textur: balogh2003 trac script: shangri66 Edit – AlesK MP ready: Martin94 Download: CASE IH steiger 600 HD [] Download: CASE IH steiger 600 HD []
Description: Deutz–Fahr 5690HTS Umfang: Drescher, Textur Ersteller: Mev01, Zichi Convertion to LS2009: PeterJ Corn and Sunflower cutter Modell by: Taylor Textúra by: Iceman Ingame by: Sabo-1310 Edit: PeterJ Header Modell: shangri66 Textur: shangri66 Ingame:...
Description: Model: Shangri66 Texture: Shangri66 Script: Sven18koehler, Shangri66 skin: Catburton22 Download: CAT Lexion TT (FIXED version) [] Download: CAT Lexion TT (FIXED version) []