Tag: sheds
Somerset farm

Welcome to somerset farm. This is an edit of fergie farm v2. It now has 14 fields on a more hill terrain. There is a new yard with more sheds and most importantly, grass and maize triggers!! I would recommend the massy 240 pack for this map as if you had any bigger a tractor you would crash. This map has all the origonal fruits plus sugerbeet and potato which can be sold at the shed in the village. This map has tight concrete lanes to traverse with small machinery. If you want to combine use a lizard or modteams ... Read more
Upper East Side V1.1 With DLC2 BGA

Welcome to a new world for you to take care of. Its a normal size of the landscape with lots of mountains and beautiful scenary. The fields is handmade to challenge the farmer and his crew to harvest the grain, the fields size is medium to big with original fruits. This map is great if you use coursplay and mulitplayer games. If you work alone you may use Autopilot on the machines when the fields has lots of different shapes. The Master farm is located in the center of the map for better performance. A new cowzone is placed at ... Read more
Farm in fallow V2 DLC2 BGA

Buildings- Peelo Startmap- palajos, dodo27 and gnom milk sell point- croation-mod-team and devil revenge Hanger 12- duarn Beet and potato storage sheds- discoade spot lights- showgunn84 Bale and grain selling shed, gas station and cattle shed- troll711 Houses- ar1g3 Silos and ramp- dinamit3 and spider100 Brewery- ka88 and Friese62 Stone fence- Denni Mill- louter ?? maure heap- devil revenge 6 Bar gate- druptown liquid manure tube- janlandby slurry pit-ar1g3
Upper East Side
Welcome to a new world for you to take care of. Its a normal size of the landscape with lots of mountains and beautiful scenary. The fields is handmade to challenge the farmer and his crew to harvest the grain, the fields size is medium to big with original fruits. This map is great if you use coursplay and mulitplayer games. If you work alone you may use Autopilot on the machines when the fields has lots of different shapes. The Master farm is located in the center of the map for better performance. A new cowzone is placed at ... Read more
Burton Hall Farm UK map
Burton Hall Farm is a uk map. The main farm is a Dairy farm but there is also a yard on the other side of the map although this is more off a contractors yard. The map has a variety off field shapes & sizes for arable cropping & some small paddocks for grass. There are 2 small villages 1 off which has the mill where you can sell your grains. The bale sell triggers for the map are spread over the map , there is 1 at the main farm inbetween the 2 cattle sheds. There is 1 over ... Read more
My map
this is my first attemp at a map,this map is not based on any particular area its just something i made up myself… there are many fields which contain maize/grass/wheat and barley there is no traffic or milk truck and the map isnt mp ready Fruits *Maize *Wheat *Barley *Rape No other crops, just original Credits: 10 different hedges by johan12 simple road sections by DocOz fuel tank by willjsavage silage berg by moneyman tire tracks by countypower maize in rows by legebarn real life corn texture by Sim3.09s british sheds by farmercal96 Machine shed by roni empty map by ... Read more
Farming the bottom
First a big thanks to farmeryip for his videos on how to make a map. Start map– palajos, dodo27 and gnom Milk sell point- croation-mod-team and devil revenge. Hanger12- duarn Feed mixer/shredder– discoade Beet and potato storage sheds– discoade gas station– devil revenge Spot lights- showgunn84 Bale and grain selling shad- troll711 MultiSilo- Maca Houses– ar1g3 EsterhazyMill- siraly0211 Wooden bridges- abasstreppas Old sheds– fergus-payne Download: http://ul.to/1p4sltqh
2x Sheds
Models: DaleC/JonnyDeere Texture: DaleC In-game: DaleC Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?lkuubdwl3kgcr84 http://www.sendspace.com/file/n8h1ry
Kenmore Park (Australian Map)
knagsted – john deere engine Maca – Grain elevator Britten – dumping grain pad Ace-uk – original map Sandgroper – All sheds Also thank you to Rustydog and jb3pc4sale for your assistance of map scripting issues. Download: http://ul.to/2y1522qs http://www.sendspace.com/file/rpgn3q
Marston Hill farm
Welcome to Marston Hill farm set in England. This map includes plenty of nice features with really lovely views and medium to large fields. The land is mostly hilly with some flat fields, and some really nice viwe’s.The map has two farm which is a contractor’s yard and the main farm not to far down the road. Watch the gateways they are tight to get in to. The lanes to get to are very tight to so which out. Mona tractor’s is located next to the village, it is your main dealer for john Deere and many more other makes. ... Read more