Tag: sheep
New texture for Plowed Fields

There is a Readme which explains this in better detail.Basically it replaces the textures for plowed fields. Credits Sheep98
CattleFarm Peeters & Son V1.0 (Beta)

Cattlefarm Peeters and son v1.0 Beta is a custom samplemodmap whit buildin rind_mod. New are the loading and unloading places for animals. donkeys, horses, cows, pigs, sheep and chickens. Animals you purchased at the farm shop, can then be unloaded at the farm or cowzone. also your able to load them back for sales. All standard selling points have been adjusted. the terrain is adjusted here and there. For the moment in the map: – original Fruits. – SP fieldstatus V3.0 ready. – MP tested Reason that i build this map: my 5year old boy play the game, and alway’s ... Read more
Community mountain sheep v 2.1

hir my nuestes update the community Hannelsberg map Fixed some errors and fixed what’s new: The yard was expanded again with a mast for operation where you can unload corn and wheat! the bga has ausensilolage be first! MapViewer renewed and PDA! beginning of the wildlife trade has been built with the butchery has closed yet! further errors and bugs have been fixed! Download: http://ul.to/uuz44o9w http://depositfiles.com/files/0e6490esh
Community mountain sheep v2.0 ohne DLC
hir now revised the mountain sheep map. It was again revised complete and new retailers and pure play have been added. The municipality has therefore give them the edge strip of the avenue to keep suber as for road workers have no money there. Nod was blocked by milk Acert New ABG with flat Silostar New country store and a mill and hoop iron for the subsoil angregungen bite a PM will then see what can I do in the V3. The Veröfentlichen the map with orignal DL WHAT THE CONVERSION OF THE MAP IS CONCERNED! IT IS PROHIBITED BY ... Read more
Dairy Air v1.1 (Fixed Silage Clamps)
(Pigs) -by marjas31 Cows)-Rincewind Sheep) – by Maxter Hedge)-countypower Lowpolytrees) – by Vanilleeis YardBuildingKit & Buildings) – By – Modteam Cattle Barns) – Tommy23 BGA DLC2) – By Giants Raiffeisen) Nord – Maistro, Giants, Powerd By MRA Modding. Felleskjopet Granary) (FKGarins) – By RRS New Mill ) – By Zippo Houses) Models: Giants, Textures: some made by ar1g3 hritish hay/straw shed) – Farmerl silos) …? Grass & Silage Clamps) – Mittle, MF390,Heady,Faiten. Download: http://ul.to/syrw2nk8
1940-50s Farm: Manor Farm
Thank you to sandgroper for his advice error checking and testing. Testers: Riffman damo tomo23 Alex7530. Map Buildings: Griffy Maison03: duarn old country wall: willjsavage Farm Animals sheep: Maxter Farm Animals V1: Maxter Multisilo script: Maca Milk Mod by Acert empty map 10 fruit types:palajos , dodo27 , gnom and LS-UK info Linkbox base script: Börndi Download: https://modsbase.com/3nnjtqulsjqs/Manor_Farm_Unzipme.zip.html