Tag: shovel

Credits: Kann fast alle Frucht sorten laden Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123041991/811a307/MULTIPLANEschovel.zip.html
Schaufel v 3.0 multifruit

Modell: Giants Ingame: fabilehner Edit/Skin: Alfkiller, Mofa-Killer Particelsystem: Arnold Script: Heady Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120040357/51ccfe2/case_721e_Shovel_multifruit_V3.zip.html
Liebherr 550 Pack

Description: Liebherr 550 2plus2 Model: Giants (DC) Ingame: Jegge Edit: Jegge & Alfkiller Texture: Jegge & Alfkiller Scripts: Jegge, Face, Sven777b, HeadshotXXL, Templaer, Tr3n3rO Liebherr SiloShovel Model: Agrotron130 Texture: Agrotron130 Script: Outlaw Edit: Jegge Liebherr Shovel Model: Giants Ingame: Jegge Script: Headshot XXL Skin: Jegge & Alfkiller Download: Liebherr 550 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Liebherr 550 Pack [Uploading.com]
Liebherr 576 + Shovel

Description: Modell: Giants Ingame: fabilehner Umbau/Updates: Alfkiller Liebherr–Skin: Alfkiller Einsendung von DanielPB Model: Giants Ingame: Jegge Script: Headshot XXL Skin: Jegge & Alfkiller Convert to LS11:durman Download: Liebherr 576 + Shovel [Hotfile.com] Download: Liebherr 576 + Shovel [Uploading.com]
CAT Excavator
Description: This crane works with a shovel from a deutz frontloader It works gread Credits: Model and texture: Zippo Download: CAT Excavator [Hotfile.com] Download: CAT Excavator [Uploading.com]