Tag: shredder
Private Map v2 Plus

tipAnywhere mod by Defender Silage pit V2 by Model: McGill2009 Texture: McGill2009 Converted from sketchup to i3d by deek tested by: Cam001, Jamesyy Log shredder(modified from) the kfarm map Shed by Modder: Stehrle With Help From: LS 09-21 Modteam Free Flying Camera Mod Script by Sven777b new Ballen shredder by ghost1 bale processor building by Macegriffin Gabonasiló by Model by: marjas31 Some models have been imported from from Demolition Company by Giants Software Download: http://ul.to/uqctqh0y
Northland 3 Final Edition

GIANTS sample Mod Map edit by Northwolf Is modified full map,new buildings,villages,new buying. Added ball shredder and working sawmill. You cann sell barley and wheat in Watermill. NB: NEEDS A GOOD COMPUTER,weak computer it is mapp strong lag or bad works. Download: http://ul.to/h0jqdbkm

Base map: Giants, Ace-uk. some signs: Geertyb0y Root belt: bennieboy53 cattle grid/water tank: willjsavage Bale Shed/textures: Farmerl, Dalaid earnvale tractors: andrew stanford weighstation: Psyco cow shed, small bale shed, potato box, feed ring: Deutz Fahr UK manure pipe: Axel_of_Sweden trees: Vanilleeis Bridge: Tonio87 clutter/fencing: Sandgroper houses: dodo27, duarn, ar1g3, Janhenrik map objects: fsgaxi, Me Some buildings: Griffydam Double store: jd8430t Feed barrier: damo shop: wizznall trees: Vanilleeis shredder/loading pit/storage sheds: Discoade Grass textures: polishmods Many thanks to anyone ive missed. Let me know and i’ll add your name. Download: http://ul.to/u0y6mymg
Farm Hundimetsa V2
It is new version of the map Hundimetsa talu. Is added potato.sugarbeet,rye and oat cultivate. Is removed maize. Barley,wheat and rape you can cultivate. Map is the greatest,the added a sales outlets for vegetables,rye and oat(watermill,windmill and buying). Can you sell silo and manure (neighbor,BGA). In the farms territory located the barn,it is equipped with hidden ball shredder. Manure storage is mechanical,however you can own a tractor load of manure. Livestock house 2 floor you can carry grass.There is trigger and you grass stored. Some fields are plowed,forests in the plains you will find meadow,it can either plow. Milk car ... Read more
Mark’s map
There have been merged fields, eie biogas plant installed, the port was removed and a field statdessen angelegt.Koernermais and other types of grain can be but still in the ball BGA funktionirt verkaufen.Die shredder but you need it!: Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136136196/5a89fbb/MarksMapV4_Entpacken.zip.html