Tag: signs
DAF truck skin

This skin is created for those who are proud of their DAF trucks and want everyone to know it. Yellow and orange stripes accent the style and big DAF signs on the top emphasize the pride. Author: KHAOS-XX Video review: DOWNLOAD
7810 v 1.0Überarbeitet

features: – Rear window open / close – Door Opening / Closing – Twins front (on / off) – Twins back ” – Beacon fold ausklapen / –Warning signs fade in / fade Credits: Wohlstandskind LSFarmer2013
John Deere 9630T v2.0

Here I have a John Deere 9630T for you. What’s new: weight Warning signs Lighting V3.1 Logo now 9630T -log errors removed -reflective removed -1:1 What he has: Rotating Beacon -fully animated chains for tracked vehicle driveability in Ls I have not geschaft (who can can sign up) Physics errors and warnings because of the chains (or so) in the log (but does not affect the game) Fits well with the Lemko Giant 12/1000 Rubin9 Bull Gore. He may not be re-uploaded using ori DL link would be nice if the link would appear to Ls-quality! Thank you
Fendt 924 vario
this is a fendt 924 vario. it is a great tractor!! functions: Height-adjustable hitch ein-/ausblendbare warning signs PTO Attacher Dynamic exhaust fumes Animated window including stamp lighting V3.1 suspension seat Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?0yagd56vn2cfgyf http://www.sendspace.com/file/2ufkzv
Giants and Giants editor for making this possiable Mc Donalds unknown Landhandel sell point unknown American signs Virikas Giants blender Adobe Google Hermit23 General Barn Docoz John Deere Dealership made by Troll711 credits to John Deere and Deere.com Reskined Houses Giants and Arig3 Chevron Gas Station Troll711 Chevron Gas Sniper214 for lights Old Farm House Clytha JD8430t Deutz Fahru If I have left anyone out please let me know and A big thanks to FarmerYip for those videos. Download: http://ul.to/ghtjora6
Väderstad TopDown TD 900 v 1.0
This is the Standartgrubber TerraTop 800, the Bluebaby210 widened (not scaliert) and has added new animations. I’ve also made a Väderstad of it. equipment: -washable lighting Particle-wheel system -Axis articulated with up to 20km / h to ensure against the normal direction to a more rapid straightening of the helper mode Working lights on the sides, but use caution when the light (LS-known problem) Front-warning signs, lights and turn signals with position, when leaving the vehicle with navigation lights (parking lights) -RUL, with modeled and correctly rotating body that stays lit even when leaving the vehicle Cultivator is the purchase ... Read more
American Signs Pack 1
American road signs for use in map modding. Haven’t found any while digging around on the internet that were already made other than a stop sign and a 75mph sign, so I made these. Already working on part 2 and 3 shortly after. Not the biggest mod out there, but a needed one I hope. Credits: Virikas – Am Sign Mod Pack 1, never found any american ones anywhere else. Giants – for GE 4.1.7 and 4.1.9 Blender Adobe – photoshop Google – Sketchup 8 & Google Search Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ratck9dwwve3wzg http://www.sendspace.com/file/god7n0
Wooden Road Sign v 1.0
The signs are: BGA Brewery CowZone FarmingShop Gas Station train station main farm 2ndFarm Lidl sugar factory Supermarket Village Port Empty Sign With The Correct Font for making your own signs. This font copy to: C: \ Windows \ Fonts Download: http://freakshare.com/files/2jj2j7c4/Woodensigns.zip.html http://ul.to/27brsbuo
Blackcrow Farm
BGA scripts Heady Mr “F” For map objects Tobsel88 for the tree’s Fatian for the roads Nikl for the fert barn Luis for the grass texture LS–UK modteam for the use of their Buildings Spider for the hedges HeadshotXXL/Burner for the weed mod Koper/HmcrE for the Liquid manure and solid manure mod Imarvin for the gate pfreek for many detail‘s such as signs/fences etc.. Nico/Lip4 for the cow/grain barns D4rkfr34k for the grain sell point barn Desperados93 for his edited scripts for the liquid and solid manure mod LS–UK Modteam for their edit of the alternativetipping And last but not ... Read more