Tag: Silage Clamps
Dairy Air v1.2 (DLC 2)

This is the Origianl Map, With a much better look, Standard crops Plus Weeds mod and Modified Manure,Great views and better fields, New Sell points for crops..ect and a GardenCentre with all you need for putting DLC Greenhouses…ect. Map has standard crops only.You must have DLC 2 at least, For the BGA. New Grass and Silage Clamps. New Grain Silos. There’s New Sell Points to off load your grain, The New Mill or Container Yard, Raiffeisen Nord you can also sell Bales here and buy seeds for sowing, And FKGrains There’s also a BGA & Manure Gas plant for selling ... Read more
Dairy Air v1.1 (Fixed Silage Clamps)

(Pigs) -by marjas31 Cows)-Rincewind Sheep) – by Maxter Hedge)-countypower Lowpolytrees) – by Vanilleeis YardBuildingKit & Buildings) – By – Modteam Cattle Barns) – Tommy23 BGA DLC2) – By Giants Raiffeisen) Nord – Maistro, Giants, Powerd By MRA Modding. Felleskjopet Granary) (FKGarins) – By RRS New Mill ) – By Zippo Houses) Models: Giants, Textures: some made by ar1g3 hritish hay/straw shed) – Farmerl silos) …? Grass & Silage Clamps) – Mittle, MF390,Heady,Faiten. Download: http://ul.to/syrw2nk8
Springfield Farm V2

Silage Clamps: dodo27 Generic Farm Yard accessories: Sandgroper Cattlegrid:willjsavage Dairy Cattle Shed:mf6160 Opico Grain Dryer:mf6160 British hay/straw shed: Farmerl Yard objects pack: Deutz Fahr UK Roads: Johndeere6800 Stonewall:VehicleVideos FarmAnimals V1.0: NewManLS Livestock equipment Pack 1: Deutz Fahr UK Download: http://ul.to/5w77ualn
Springfield Farm V3
BarnXXL: massey MAN23 Multisilo script: Maca Silage Clamps: dodo27 Generic Farm Yard accessories: Sandgroper 21m Woodbridge: Sandgroper Dairy Cattle Shed:mf6160 Opico Grain Dryer:mf6160 British hay/straw shed: Farmerl Yard objects pack: Deutz Fahr UK Roads: Johndeere6800 Stonewall:VehicleVideos FarmAnimals V1.0: NewManLS Livestock equipment Pack 1: Deutz Fahr UK Roads: maciusboss1 Reskin houses: ar1g3 Download: http://ul.to/v7g1rzvd