Tag: Simulator
Grass Texture v 1.1 by ZG Team

Description This is Grass foliage texture Made for Farming Simulator 2013 game. To use this texture just copy content of Texture File folder into texture / foliage folder of your map mod. For even better result, try to change “numBlocksPerUnit” (in FoliageSubLayer name = “grass” located in your maps i3d file -.> Open with notepad) line, value to 2nd Credits: kirezagar, ZG Team
Pöttinger Euro Boss 330T v 1

one Pöttinger Euro Boss 330T Wagon in scale 1:1. Because We missed a little small Wagon from Farming Simulator 011, we have him unceremoniously rewritten yesterday. He is not yet final, a few small changes in the near future he will get even more (I like the particle system is not 100% sure), but here it is for now. Fully functional, error free, UV errors, (compared Eisntellungen from the manufacturer’s site) with LS13 wheels, 21300l load volume and a DIN curb weight of 2700kg. It can load wheat and barley straw, grass and hay. He also received at 2, 3 ... Read more
FlotationTyre_AO UpDate V-2.1

Description Floatation Tyre/Wheel for Farm Trailers created with Blender V-2.62 AO Texture created with Blender V-2.62 You are free to use this file in any Farming Simulator Mod. With no permission required. Please credit Milpol if you do use this file. My appology to users that have downloaded the incorrect Update where the right wheel has an incorrect Z Axis and rotates in the reverse direction. This version is corrected, i just hope i know my left from my right ;0) Credits Mod file created by Milpol Texture Created by Milpol
M620 Pack fixed v 1.3
This is the Deutz Fahr Agrotron M620 from Farming Simulator 011 with his colleague who has a front loader. Thank you to the people who make their scripts available. Credits: Sven777b, SFM–Modding – Manuel Leithner, Robert Hostens, Patar, the Death, Ferddy
Potato Cheat v 1.0
In this tutorial we show you how you can easily when Farming Simulator 2013 makes so much potatoes in your silo as you want.
Simulator WORLD v 2.0
The new edition of “simulator WORLD” is there and brings back a lot of news and reviews from the world of PC simulation! 40 pages of full simulation highlights, written by national and international journalists, has something for everyone.
Money Mod [MP]
Money Mod for Farming Simulator 2011. The video is from Farming Simulator 2009, but the same procedure for the Farming Simulator 2011. The mod will appear in the Shop, to be purchased, but instead of spending money, you will receive 5 million. Multiplayer Compatible. Credits By Gaxi / FSGAXI
Warwick Bale Trailer
Here is my Warwick Bale Trailer, sorry for the delay for release but it has been having texture changes and problems with its bale locking in multiplayer. But don’t worry this is all fixed and ready to use on your farm in Farming Simulator. Enjoy! Credits Model: Jack Texture: Jack/Rasvy Ingame: Jack Scripts: Geri-G & Sven777b
ETS2 Management screens
Euro Truck Simulator 2 is primarily a game about driving trucks – about the time spent behind the wheel, trying hard to deliver your load safely and on time. That’s why we are building so detailed virtual world to drive in. We tried to calculate how much real time you’d have to spend driving in the game, at maximum speed allowed, to visit every place in the world just once. The theoretical minimum is over 40 hours of time! In practice, it will easily take double the time. However, we are aware that for many players the second gameplay pillar ... Read more