Tag: single player
Deutz-Fahr Autostacker 48

Description A Deutz re-skin I did of the Baleco 48, everything works 100% in single player and multiplayer as the originals did. Great for lifting a lot of bales in a hurry. :-) Credits: Re-skin: Dirty Flavour Original model: Giants Previous edits: angel.p Cederstrom96 TOUROK
Holton Farm

Holton Farm is a small british arable and cattle farm. With 10 fields Holton Farm is easy to manage in single player. Features – ► Manure Mod ► Traffic ► Original Fruits ► 10 fields ► Bale Mod ► Small old british yard ► Grain must be stored in the sheads using tip alternative ► Store equipment on the old land behind the yard while the sheads are full of grain during harvest Triggers – ► Seed – Farm Yard ► Spray/Ferti – Farm Yard ► Manure – Farm Yard ► Slurry – Farm Yard ► Fuel – Farm Yard ... Read more
Fortshritt E340 and E302 Cutter

Here is a Fortschritt swather, used to swath grass only, doesnt accept any grains. This unit has fully functioning autopilot, which I find very helpful when playing single player, since mowing is one of the things that is hard to get hireable equipment for. This unit has been fixed by me, I have fixed the killing grass problem, also I have fixed the problem when coming over a hill or bump the swather head would come off of the ground slightly and miss grass, I have made it more flexible so it stays on the ground. This swather has ESlimiter, ... Read more
Grange Farm
Welcome to Grange Farm. Explore the beautiful scenery and varied landscape Lincolnshire has to offer. With 10 medium size fields Grange Farm is perfectly suited to both single player and multiplayer. The local village provides everything you need, from a loaf of bread to a brand new tractor. Remember to keep an eye on the grain, Beet and Potato prices so you can sell your crop when the prices are high! Features – ● BGA silage pit ● Silage triggers and moving plane inside the main cattle barn for realistic feeding. ● PDA map ● Moving cows ● Lots of ... Read more
Kincraigie High Detail Map
Kincraigie is a small village north of Perth in Scotland, this map is not based on the farm or village, only the name was taken. The map is out of my imagination. Almost all the equipment needed is in the map as default, you will need your prefered multifruit trailer and your prefered potato and sugarbeet harvester. I didnt include these as most have their own prefered ones. The included mods must be placed in your mods folder for the silo‘s to work! The only extra fruits in this map are Potatoes and Sugarbeet. There are two “Bins” at the ... Read more
John Deere 7530 Premium 1:1
I can start by telling you that this mod is scaled 1:1. For those of you who have tried the original Modcontest 7530, probably know that it has a bug that dosn’t let you use more than two tools. The way I saw it, it created the bad allocation in length. But the bug is now fixed after careful testing, both multiplayer and single player. The things I’ve done with this trakor are: – Cabsuspension – New front axle, suspended and animated – Changed the tires – Mounted twin beacons – Added lightsAddon V3.1 – Scaled to 1:1 – Rescaled ... Read more
The small farmer Map
I offer a new map. Here you can plow until the doctor comes. Construction time about 180 hours I’ve tested it extensively. But only in single player, so no guarantee on multiplayer. As a fruit, there are the default locations and then sunflowers, potatoes and sugar beets. I decline to a BGA, the madness because I can not support food to burn. But you can make the Hächselgut the farmer with pigs. Also takes the grass and corn. The allotment can sell manure and manure Otherwise you can make the fruit flavors in the bakery and general store and also ... Read more
Rocky Mountain farming Map
This map is a fictional place based on farming in the mountains. There are a total of 4 farms on the map, 2 farms have selectable silos to store your fruits and the dairy farm has a place for silage as well as grass at the feeding trough. There are 5 sell points, 1 behind the store in town,1 at the mill by the pond, 1 at the brewery, 1 at the piling station for sugar beets and potatos, and the other is at Pioneer Seed. You can sell your bailes at Pioneer Seed or there is a bail destroyer ... Read more
Swift Valley Farm
Swift Valley farm is set in the river Swift valley in the English Midlands. Its a small to medium sized map with single player and courseplay in mind. There are two farms, the main farm with a dairy farm to the rear. There is a BGA at the dairy farm with a bale shredder, bale and machinery storage. The main farm has fruit silos and machinery storage. There are 3 sell points, a brewery a mill and a food packing plant. Fruits are Wheat, Barley, Corn, OSR, Carrot, potato, Sugarbeet, Peas, Oats, Soybean Greenwheat Sunflower and Cotton. All the fields ... Read more
High Grounds Farm
this map is a tradtional cumbrian style map with a dairy and arable farm and another smaller beef farm with a village john deere dealer grain silos all triggers so enojy playing on mulitplayer or single player Credits: start Map-pfreek lowgrounds farm-mounsey01 Farm Animals v1.0-Maxter Farm Animals v1.2-Maxter Farm Animals v1.4-Maxter buildings–ALS/geertyb0y objects-duetz fahr uk Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126687898/c3301ba/highgroundsfarm.zip.html