Tag: Single
Deutz Fahr Single Rotor

I have the Kuhn GA 280 umgeskinnt of JoniiboY, and made it into a Deutz Fahr Rake. I’ve also added the mod further optimized and the larger the smaller Zip to 3.8 instead of 11, x MB. Functions are still the old present. Steering-linked wheels Folding swath Langsammes turn on the gyro PTO attacher point
Single Axle General Purpose Trailer

A Single Axle UBT in JD colours for small farms. Contains a Used and New version. Working Lights, Beacons and Indicastors. Removable Front Rail. Manual or Automated Bail Pickup. balecapacity: 8 big square bales, 10 round bales, 30 normal square bales, 78 small square bales, 185 small bales from Welger_AP730_SimpleChute, 280 small bales from Welger_AP730_ExtenedChute, 200 small bales from Free DLC Baler Credits Model: Milpol In Game: Milpol/SndGrdn TrailerParts Script: SndGrdn Lights Script: Sven777b Original Bale Script: Bassaddict
Veenhuis Silagewagon SW550 V2.2
Nice trailer for chaff and grass made by Veenhuis. Error-free and Single/Multiplayer compatible. Features: – Scale 1:1 – Animated rolling – Adjustable Harvesterflap – Animated slate floor – Animated roof – Washable – Lightscript V3 – Capacity: 40.000 Controls: Close Harvesterflap: K Open Harvesterflap: M Activate Chaffcover: J Credits LS09: Kanalratte LS11 and Edit: Dorsy & Balu79nvp 1:1 Scaled: Jesse James Script: Fruktor Animations of Roof/Rollers: Kyosho’s Modfactory
Or the small country
I have installed in fruits: potatoes rye oats Sunflowers beet Sales stations: -Expanding the Single Port Garden Center (manure and slurry) brewery DLC-BGA and the straw power plant BigM Milk sold to the dairy Download: http://ul.to/euka3re9 http://www.fileserving.com/files/6Q5CQkrStI/Oderlandmap_dlc.rar
Unimog U1000
Hier einen Unimog U1000. Das Modell ist der originale Lizard Cougar aus dem Spiel. Changelist: -2 RUL`s auf dem Dach hinzugefügt -Betriebskosten gesenkt -Räumschild verbreitert -Fassungsvermögen von 3000 auf 3500 erhöht -Belechtung V3 hinzugefügt -kleine optische Änderungen wie das Mercedes Benz logo. Läuft Fehlerfrei(Im Single– sowie im Multiplayer). Nur mit originalem DL Link zum DL stellen!!!!! Viel Spass damit. Download: http://ul.to/arp6ndnm http://hotfile.com/dl/137564134/05ec509/UnimogU1000.zip.html
Case IH 2388 v1.1
The package is just about 100 MB and contains the following mods: Case IH 2388 Axial Flow (European edition) Case IH 2388 Axial Flow (US edition) Case IH 2388 Axial Flow (US Rowcrop edition) Case IH 2208(30) 8 row corn header Case IH 1030 (22ft) Grain header (Sold in Europe) Case IH 1020 (30ft) Grain Header (Sold in the rest of the world) Single axle type Header trailer for 1030 header / 2208 corn head Dolly type header trailer for 1020 header AIUpdate mod from LS2009, modified to work with LS2011 All mods are multiplayer compatible Read the userguide.pdf inside ... Read more
JD Air Seeder & Cart
Description: John Deere 1890 airseeder and John Deere 1910 aircart [SP] Fill Types: wheat barley rape oat soybean pea rice mohn fertilizer liquidManure Use the front tank for fertilizer and the rear tank for seed, or fill both with seed. For seeds fill with grain trailers not the seed stack. For Fertilizer it fills from trailers, spray trigger and the liquidManure trigger. Single Player only. Credits: Model: Knagsted Textures: Knagsted Script: Knagsted & Tubman FS2011 and edit: Tubman Released with Permission. Download: JD Air Seeder & Cart [Hotfile.com] Download: JD Air Seeder & Cart [Uploading.com]
Krone Schwadro
Description: Features: – Animated steering linkage – PTO – Animated tines – Steering – Single lifting / lowering of the centrifugal – Common lifting / lowering of the centrifugal – Washable – Bissl dust – Ground following the roundabout (similar to Kuhn mowers) – Full collision of the vehicle – Slow-Andre outgoing and removing the roundabout (at the switch on and off) – Other details Operation: – Expand / Tuck: “X” key – Raise the lower gyro /: Press the “V” – Dig left lower gyro /: Press the “J” – Lift the lower right circle /: Press the “K” ... Read more