Tag: site
Pöttinger Euro Boss 330T v 1

one Pöttinger Euro Boss 330T Wagon in scale 1:1. Because We missed a little small Wagon from Farming Simulator 011, we have him unceremoniously rewritten yesterday. He is not yet final, a few small changes in the near future he will get even more (I like the particle system is not 100% sure), but here it is for now. Fully functional, error free, UV errors, (compared Eisntellungen from the manufacturer’s site) with LS13 wheels, 21300l load volume and a DIN curb weight of 2700kg. It can load wheat and barley straw, grass and hay. He also received at 2, 3 ... Read more
Gilibert 1800pro

Thank you for downloading this mod! Here is a Gilibert that I have edited ! Edit : Wheels, different plane for more realism Fruits : rape, wheat, corn, barley, manure, silage, grass You can upload it to other site . I hope you enjoy using it! Credits Credit for the trailers goes to Giants for creating them. fanfans2r1000 for info for edit. Edit pack : Nocsy Script edit: Clampit edit : balow67
Fiat 90 DT

this is a fiat that i uploaded from another site for farming simulator 2011 it featurs -switchable front weights -relistic exhaust smoke -animated rear hydraulics -relistic camber -relestic indor cam(beta) -upper arm appears out if nothing is attached -turn signals,lights work -eslimiter -throttle limiter-real life sound thanxs for downloading this mod Credits original:chrisp umbaui:schluetefan1977 ingame:schluetefan1977 scripts:(model)eicher,real exaust partical systems for fiat(mythos extra weights(MR.X)gaslimiter sound: toxic9377
Massey Ferguson 690
Here I have a Massey Ferguson 690 I found on another site. Myself and AJT4 have tidied up the mod and added and fixed a few wee things. Features: Optional Rear Dual Wheels Beacon Optional Front-loader Stand Rear Work-light Ignition Script There is an info box that will appear on screen to help you with the controls! MP – Not sure! Credits Orignal Model: Modelli: urakkamies Tekstuurit: Saemo ja urakkamies Ingame: urakkamies Skriptit: Henly ja Peter Number Plate: Model: Geertyb0y Texture: Geertyb0y Reskin: Haaarry xD Beacon: Giants EDIT: AJT4 and mfj35
Close Farm V2 DLC2 required
First of all sorry this has taken so long. This is a medium size map with one Farm, Cow zone, Mill, Brewery and BioGas, you do need DLC2 to use this. The milktruck work’s and goes to the Cow’s, picks up milk ect, but I couldn’t get it to go all the way back to dairy, but if you are not there you won’t see it, it will just restart as normal. there are 16 fields, 3 fields planted for a bit of a start but the rest is up to you, the mill has separate triggers for each fruit. ... Read more
Volvo FH 16 MOMO Black Edition
After surfing the internet for a good Volvo truck and without success I’ve edited one of the trucks downloaded from this site. The truck keeps the original settings with a new skin and fewer wheels ( 4×2 ) ESL Limiter Operating hours Max. speed around 50 mph NO beacons and NO front rack Side skirts Extra weights Credits THE ORIGINAL MOODERS sanya1970 TheSecretLife Sven777b Manuel Leithner Templaer Harryy
Barn pack
this is my own version of a open barn, it has a 7′ breeze block wall with wooded lats all around for light input, and a green tin roof texture as this fit’s most farming map’s, I have made 2 the big one is 90′ x 65′ and the small one is 90′ x 30′, the floor texture is just asphalt, but if you wish to change any of these, it’s up to you’s, please PLEASE keep all the mod’s I upload to the original site, ls-uk.info. thanks for using this if you download and enjoy. Credits: credit’s will start ... Read more
Quarry Map Mod
This may be the standard map, on which there is now a quarry and a building site, where you with the “Cat dumper” (with it) to pick up and unload sand and stone at the construction site. You can go with the “Cat Dump Truck” directly on the stone–pile of sand and it fills up, or do it manually with an excavator. Download: Quarry map mod
Barn storage 2 tier
This is a barn for all your day to day item’s to be stored in a smallish area, not much bigger than a normal pole barn, this give’s you a upper storage area, which I myself use for tractor’s, I’ve had 16 up there and there is still room. down stair’s there is two identical sized area’s for trailer’s ect, and adjacent to that is a area which I use for combine’s. For small map’s this will be usefull, hut like I said enjoy If you want it, thank’s if you upload this, and I’am alway’s making more for everyone ... Read more
John Deere 7710 v1 edit by Klokie
[gallery link=”file”] Textures: Sotillo Rims : Julian11AGI Some 3d stuff: Jhoni_6530 and Sotillo edit: klokie Je mag gerust de mod aanpassen voor Prive gebruik. Je mag de mod niet editten, aanpassen, of andere dingen en dan releasen, onder alle omstandigheden. Enige vragen of twijfels, neem contact met mij op. klokie Van LSportal.nl Behoud originele link! Dit werk niet uploaden op andere site’s zonder toestemming! KEEP ORIGINAL LINK! DO NOT UPLOAD TO OTHER WEBSITES WITHOUT PERMISSION! Original beibehalten Link! Nicht zu anderen Websites hochladen ohne Erlaubnis! Zachowaj oryginalny link! Zakaz uploadu na inne serwery! Tartsa meg az eredeti lin! Geaccepteerd door: ... Read more