Tag: skidder
John deere 9630 skidder prototype

hi,i make this new skidder prototype for logging map price 10 000 fuelCapacity 900 fuelUsage 0.009 add and adjust 9630 cab add and adjust 8×8 dual wheel add and adjust rool-cage adjust arm adjust wheel adjust light key for arm turn arm z-x up/down kp 7-4 elbow arm kp 8-5 length arm kp 9-6 tool pitch kp 0-2 tool turn kp 1-3 enjoy all Credits original 3d model by: solanz script by: stalker ingame by: zippo cab jd9630 Modell by: balogh2003 jarlax tweek
John deere 9630 skidder

warning, minimum config (nvidia gtx 460) or greater (ati 5000 seri) or greater 3d model rendered triangles 5137397 add and adjust front cab 9630 add and adjust chain adjust arm adjust light arm key 7-4 8-5 9-6 Credits: 3d model :solanz tweek :jarlax Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?phd26hcab8ia9qq http://www.sendspace.com/file/n8lt7y
Cat-tiger 648 V2 v 2 (Skidder) by Marcel.H [sp]
Credits: Modder:Marcel.H und textur:Marcel.H Tester:Kevin.H,Lacki.H,Alice.H,Lisi.H,LsZocker4–ever. und John deer 98. Download: Credits: Modder:Marcel.H und textur:Marcel.H Tester:Kevin.H,Lacki.H,Alice.H,Lisi.H,LsZocker4–ever. und John deer 98.