Tag: Skin Edit
Ford 510 Edit

This is a 1976 Ford 510 loader. It is a good baling and hay tractor. The tractor produces alot of smoke when under load and when is hired. Information Panel: key 0 Start Engine: Kp Enter Gearbox: Activate and deactivate with spacebar, when activated a panel with gears will appear Switching gears: Left Mouse Button Right increases decreases Reduced and normal gait: End Home RPM: PagUp, PagDn Add weights: 5 Open Bonnet: 7.8 the number Autopilot Panel: Kp 0 Light= F It feature Mousecontrold loader aswell Edit– Took off cab cover and removed front guard, front grill, and Also gave ... Read more
Cat Lexion 595R AP

Credits: Modell: Shangri66 Ingame, script: Defender, Face, sven777b Dirt-Skin/Edit: Mofa-Killer Einbau Autopilot: MuehlenBauer www.ls-gaming-community.de Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127076270/5ee9343/CatLexion595R_AP.zip.html
Claas Lexion 550TT

Credits: Model/Texture: shangri66 Dirt-Skin/Edit/Finetuning: Mofa-Killer Script: Defender, Face, sven777b, Mofa-Killer Fixed by Deli01 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125054800/6824618/CLAAS_Lexion_580TT_AP.zip.html
Ursus 912

Credits: By : Agromet Skin & Edit 1 : PioneerLS Skin 2 : Cayman www.landwirtschafts-simulator.pl Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122965333/1a26edf/aursc385902.zip.html
Case IH Magnum 280
Description: Mod Originale: Treckerjack Skin & Edit: beast33 Download: Case IH Magnum 280 [Hotfile.com]
Steyr 8130
Description: Original Modelle:daFugu LS09:grawid12 Skin / Edit: Shippy74 Download: Steyr 8130 [Hotfile.com]
John Deere 2266 + Header
Description: New Skin & Edit on .xml! Edit by lessmann983 Download: John Deere 2266 + Header [Hotfile.com]
CAT Lexion 590/595R Pack
Description: Modell: Shangri66 Ingame, script: Defender, Face, sven777b Dirt-Skin/Edit: Mofa-Killer