Tag: Skin
Pistenbully Pack
Pistenbully Pack v 1.0 ModPack für Don´s Skigebiet Enthält: PB100L (Loipe) PB400P (Park) PB600S (Schanze) 100er Walze für Schanze Änderungen: Heckscheinwerfer Skin Warnton Schneeschieber mit Logo RUL-Lichbalken bei PB100L Idee: DonChris Skin: Tobias Funktion: Tim
Frontlader Modpack v1.0
Rampe: Modell: tackleberry SRS Script: Ls Landwirt Deutz Agrofarm: Modell: Giants SRS Script/ Skin: Ls Landwirt Schaufel: Modell: Giants SRS Script/ Skin: Ls Landwirt Gewicht: Modell: Giants SRS Script/ Skin: Ls Landwirt
Amazone Big dog Seeder
A large surface seeder.It supports all major seeds with a 6000 litre capacity tank.It is completely reskinned in amazone citan colors and new washable skin.Use it with any tractor but try it behind an articulated tractor and u will see it leaves no empty spots at headland turns in helper mode. IT IS THE HORSCH BIG DOG SEEDER WITH AMAZONE SKIN AND NEW WASHABLE DIRT COLOR Credits Modell: Giants Soft Animation: Dietschnnorbert Askari
Scania R500 Black Dreams
[gallery link=”file”] Scania R500 Black Dreams _________________________ Credits: Base by Anaheim Convert to ETS by Dome Skin by Dome
Case F200
Model: Perkins, Martini, Lovetractor100 Skin: Balow67 Script: Burner Ingame: Martini Traduzione italiano: Lovetractor100
Perard Interbenne 25 V1.1
Nice overloader that can hold the 4 standard fruits. The original one had some problems, so i fixed some things and now it works great. Price: €10.000 Capicity: 25.000 Fruits: Wheat, Barley, Raps & Corn Edit: Made unload speed faster Translated handling from Hungarian to English Credits Modell: Kevin353, net.NEO Skin: net.NEO Ingame: hz888, Tibcsi Script: hz888, Tibcsi
Mercedes-Benz MP4 4×2
Mary Sue-Edition für GTS/ATS und ETS… ————————————— Credits MP4 4×2: ================================= Roadhunter base MR.Green first tuned by region59 Kelsa by Hotracer Tagfahrlicht by Alex Wheels by Ventyres New chasis by Königszapfen Credits Skin: =================================== Mary Sue-Skin by Königszapfen ———————————— Der Pack besteht jeweils aus einem MP4-Mod für GTS/ATS und ETS… Viel Spaß mit der Mary Sue-Edition… Gruß Königszapfen
John Deere 635
Its about 26 feet working with (12.6 m) you shall need a big tractor for it. there is no lag. i have tested it for a week now and have had no problems with it. to unfold/fold: x to lower/rise: v Credits: all thanks to JamesBrandt Blackzeus, Lsfarmer Script: johndeere, Pixel_Bauer Skin: Balu79nvp