Tag: skins
Ford 555

Features: – Mouse controlled front loader with standard frontloader and telehandler type attachers – Key controlled back actor – Opening left door – Opening rear window (toggle visible / invisible) – Rotating platform (driver seat and camera) for back actor mode operation with wider field of vision – Working stabiliser jacks – Not multiplayer compatible – 3 skins (see textures folder for the 3 skins folders and modify i3d file to point to the one you want) – Engine note drops and exhaust emits more smoke when hydraulics are activated (configurable in JCB_3CX_4WD.xml renamed to Ford_555) – Full hydraulics animation ... Read more
container pack with skins of real logistics companies and KOGEL container trailer

container model-zippo script-zippo author-Zippo skin-freightliner trailer model-freightliner Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136299896/328bdfa/container_pack.zip.html
Joskin Trans Space v 2 Crome
Credits: Freddy.com Ingame: Kyosho Edit/Umbau/Updates: panzer000 http://ls09ls11modsmore.phpbb8.de/skins–vom-team-f131/?sid=309f71b54ad87b2ec15051bc31019aa8 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/125850942/ad5c58e/Joskin_Trans_SpaceCrom.zip.html
John Deere 4455
Credits: John Deere 4455 Knagsted (John–Deere 4450 et 4850) Pierragri modifs et skins 4055, 4455 et 4955 Vincent TCS, skins 4255 et 4755 Convertion ls2011 : foubmat SameDiamond265 Et moi : Pidu Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120037921/4c70da0/johndeere4455bypidu.zip.html
Fortschritt ZT323 v2
Description: Model: Nickel77 Geschrieben von: Fendt TMS Neues Szenario: Frank Caddilac Skins: MONSTER ™ Idee: Tommi-1 Download: Fortschritt ZT323 v2 [Hotfile.com] Download: Fortschritt ZT323 v2 [Uploading.com]
John Deere Serie 55′ Pack v 1
Credits: Knagsted (John–Deere 4450 et 4850) Pierragri modifs et skins 4055, 4455 et 4955 Vincent TCS, skins 4255 et 4755 Convertion ls2011 : foubmat Download: 5-v-2.rar.html
Case IH Magnum 7210
Description: Knagsted : (model et scripts du tracteur) Zartask / Mr. F : (scripts autopilot) Iceman68 : (modification des roues et le rajout de gyrophares et du GPS) Tibraco44 (Modification models et skins) Download: Case IH Magnum 7210 [Hotfile.com] Download: Case IH Magnum 7210 [Uploading.com]
Case IH Magnum 7220
Description: Knagsted : (model et scripts du tracteur) zartask / Mr. F: (scripts autopilot) Iceman68: (modification des roues et le rajout de gyrophares et du GPS) Tibraco44 (Modification models et skins) Download: Case IH Magnum 7220 [Hotfile.com] Download: Case IH Magnum 7220 [Uploading.com]
Holmer T3 V4 (AP)
Description: Moder: Siwus Teile: Giants Original LS09 Umbau + Skin: Shippy74,BF3 Edit(Fruits,skins,particle system itd.) bartoszek93 + cutter . agget added the AP. Download: Holmer T3 V4 (AP) [Hotfile.com]