Tag: Snow
Fendt Schnneeschild v 1.1 Snow

Description The shield has been tested by me and unfortunately a couple of the others have logfehler snow plows too. Credits: modell: Giants scripte: xXMalleXx umbau + ls13: valtrafan
Snow post

The mod needs to GE (Giants Editor) placed werden.Und passent Scaliert as they want it. ;) Model: Reformbaua (I) Texture: Reformbaua (I) Ingame Andre
Snow Ploug V1

This is a plow a friend made in Google Sketchup to resemble a diagonal plow to Tellefsdal. The plow do not have any functions yet, but wil come with the V2 version. V1 onley support 3 point attaching. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?sa5c5yp3hl74h5r http://www.sendspace.com/file/q90jq1
M620 mit Fräße
Description: Lizard Snow blower Deutz Agrotron M620 Credits: Lizard Snow blower Modell: GIANTS Textur: GIANTS Script: SFM-Modding Ueberarbeitung: Michl2 Deutz Agrotron M620 Modell: GIANTS Texture: GIANTS Script: SFM-Modding Edit: Michl2 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?k1iakgfat1uezf8 http://hotfile.com/dl/135800944/088ac8b/deutz_lizard_pack.zip.html
MAN TGX V8 mit Trailer
Description: MAN_TGX_V8 Modell: GTS Konvertiert zu SRS: Timiboy10 Umbau(Rul,schneeketten,etc.): Timiboy10 Reifenwechsel: Timiboy10 Kroeger_Auflieger Modell: Maurermatze Ingame: Siwus Ls11 ready und Anpassung: meistro & Repi Konvertiert zu SRS: Timiboy10 Snow ready gemacht: Timiboy10 50.000 L Füllmenge Credits: Timiboy10 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?wyfsdb19bva85y9 http://hotfile.com/dl/135800236/f4f5b54/MAN20TGX20V8.rar.html
Winter mod by AGP Team
Description Fashion Snow Mod: * The basis was taken ETS-Winter-Mod V1.00. * After that, this mod has been brought to mind, updated and optimized: * Added a new advertising billboards; * Removed from the circles of rain left on the ground; * Changed the rain drops falling on the windscreen – now the snow is falling; * Instead of rain, now falling snow; * Road markings, pedestrian crossings, etc. now only slightly visible; * Screen Saver being displayed when loading the game, Winter also touched; * Snow overwhelmed now, and Spain, and Portugal, and nedozavalennaya part of Italy; * Rocks, ... Read more