T16M v 2.0 [mp]
Credits: Model: Nickel77 Textura: Nickel 77 Sound: Tomi Edit: vanek author meistro & Repi– LS11 by clod Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121080509/ff7016a/T_16M.zip.html
Credits: Model: Nickel77 Textura: Nickel 77 Sound: Tomi Edit: vanek author meistro & Repi– LS11 by clod Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121080509/ff7016a/T_16M.zip.html
Credits: 3D Modell: sergey54rus Textur: sergey54rus Sound: Sergey54rus Conversion: sergey54rus Programming: Sergey54rus Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120040303/3622c9a/vaz2105.zip.html
Credits: Model/Sound/Script by: FazendeiroBR, Jader Versao 2.0 – Novo:Multigraos, Lona, Reflexos, Painel by: Gaxi e Sandro Textures: Jader Edit: Jader www.jader-ls-mods.blogspot.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120038136/7a8adb0/Scania_111_S.zip.html
Description: Umfang: Traktor, Textur, Sound, Script Ersteller: Hurley, @poc@lypse Convertion to LS2009: PeterJ Download: Renault Atles 926 [Hotfile.com]
Description: Umfang: Traktor, Textur, Sound, Script Ersteller: Hurley, @poc@lypse Convertion to LS2009: PeterJ Download: CLAAS Atles 926 [Hotfile.com]
Description: Räder: sk8mike Particelsystem: Klemen12 Sound: Servorane Script: Outlaw Umbau: xerion8300 Download: CLAAS Cougar AP [Hotfile.com]
Description: Modell + Textur: modelleicher + Giants Software Ingame: modelleicher + fendt2000 Script: modelleicher + Templaer + Face + Headshot XXL Sound: John Deere 6930 + mf390 Download: Fendt 614 LSA Rebuild [Hotfile.com] Download:...
Description: Modell: MF390 Textur: MF390 Sound: Sevorane Script: Headshot XXL, Mr.F Changelog v1.1: – Radcolli höher gestzt gegen aufsetzen – Sound errors gefixt – Bremslicht hinzugefügt – Breakforce erhöht, dass die handbremse auch wirkung...
Description: Kirovets K 700A Modell: steyr1 Texture,Script: Face, DirtTexture: BigFarmer145 Performance-Tuning: MadMax, Sound: Sevorane Publisher: SFM-Modding, Kolesa: MAC, Edit By: dimaks and Erlan10 Kirovets K 700 modeling and texturing: Brain scripts: Brain Kolesa: MAC...
Description: CLAAS Jaguar: LS08 Modder: Modell: Agrotron 130, Jirka, Ingame: Sk8Mike, Script: MxY.rlp, yekk1, John Deere 6930 LS09 Modder: Planet-Ls Script: Headshot XXL Sound: CM Punk CLAAS Orbis 750 & 900 Model: Agrotron 130,...