Tag: SP
McCombes Grass&Arable Farm

This is my Edit of SuperBrian91’s excellent ‘Brook Lodge Farm’. It contains mainly the same field layout, but i have added fully working BGA pits and the milk mod. The pack consists of the BGA mod, Milk mod, and a grape to collect the silge from the bga pit. (Remember to compact it!) Great map for the SP player, contractors and especially the CO-OP games online. Thank you Brian for allowing me to do this, and i hope you all enjoy the map! Have fun, keep er lit. Credits Milk Mod – Acert BGA- Heady LS-UK Mod Team Russ Giants ... Read more
Beaver islands V.2 (by WM modding)

WM modding proudly presents: Beaver islands! This map is a big edit of jd6820driver´s map beaver island. Now it’s 6 islands, before it was only one. The map fruits is the standard fruits (canola, maize, wheat and barley). There is no silage support for the map, and no cowzone, so it’s no idea to start mowing grass. Round baling can be done on at least 3 islands, and square baling on all islands. There’s only one sellpoint for grain, and it’s in a shed on the main island with some grain in. Bales can be sold on the loft over ... Read more
John Deere 4455 (fixed)
This is my John Deere 4455 with the Dual Wheel and Weights problems fixed. This should solve the problem some players had with these functions. Many thanks to jnqsws for finding the problem with the lua files that was preventing the duals and weights to not work for some players. This is my John Deere 4255 V2 which is an edit of Knagsted’s John Deere 4450 model. Decided to make the John Deere 4455 rather than another 4255. Very close to 1:1 scale. Tests error free in SP. It’s MP ready but not tested, so please let me know if ... Read more
CattleFarm Peeters & Son V1.0 (Beta)
Cattlefarm Peeters and son v1.0 Beta is a custom samplemodmap whit buildin rind_mod. New are the loading and unloading places for animals. donkeys, horses, cows, pigs, sheep and chickens. Animals you purchased at the farm shop, can then be unloaded at the farm or cowzone. also your able to load them back for sales. All standard selling points have been adjusted. the terrain is adjusted here and there. For the moment in the map: – original Fruits. – SP fieldstatus V3.0 ready. – MP tested Reason that i build this map: my 5year old boy play the game, and alway’s ... Read more
Fendt Trisix v
Fendt Trisix v Credits: Model: Meistro & Repi Texture: Repi LS11 conversion: Repi Powered by MRA modding! It is suitable for the SP and the MP! Specials: – Road traffic regulations – RUL – Lightbar Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?fdzt1744s2gklje http://www.sendspace.com/file/3p1x6v
Zil 4334 v 6×6 SP
ZIL 4334 3D Models/Textury:Mr.Angelo Lexan Rs.Bandit Edit: sanya1970 InGame:V.LS 2011: sanya1970 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?r7g5958mua50vco http://www.sendspace.com/file/llc96n
Samson SP15 – Flotation Wheels
Here is a Samson muck spreader with a walking floor, sliding gate and very chunky flotation wheels. This is a brilliant spreader and does last quite long in the field. I am just re-uploading this mod as it came from a pack produced by ‘DenOmania’ (LS-UK) All credits go to the original authors, I have merely only uploaded it. Enjoy! Credits: Rotavator script: John Deere 6930 for the samson wheels all this was editet by DenOmania LS-UK. Originally uploaded by DenOmania Samson SP 15: Uploaded by sebastian… By: Giants Software Gmbh Samson reskin: Bindesboel Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?jclun30x1re2xie http://www.sendspace.com/file/m2u0nh
CaseIH Skinned GregoireBesson XXXL
Added CaseIH Skin Edited script to fix menu, now shows all options GE 4.1.9 Optimized Clean log in SP Credits: Model: Nickell77 Edit and Rescript by: Tubman CaseIH Skin and Menu Fix: SndGrdn Download: http://ul.to/p3zs6pmd