Tag: special thanks
Kazville Bus Stop

This is a bus stop for your map, to be inserted via GE. It is 1:1:1 scale and has AO mapping aswell You can add to your maps if you upload your map please give credits thanks. Credits: Modle: Kaznall Texture and AO : Kazznall and wizznall Ingame: Kaznall Plus a special thanks to sam for teaching me and sharing his knowlage with me. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?2p7rpo9cs91wd4c http://www.sendspace.com/file/vyekhz
MAN TLF 2000-200-250

Is it this is a MAN fire truck that the TLF of FF.Wr.Neustadt (Austria) was Nachentfunden where 2000 stands for the water tank, 200 for the foam concentrate and 250 for the powder which is carried. Special thanks goes out to Grisu118 and J112J, Grisu was due chassis and scripts and I J112J of the Kabiene. Model: Kabiene: J112J Chassis: Grisu118 Rest Christian2002 Credits: Funktionen Blaulicht und Horn (bleibt an) Beleuchtung V3.1 Strahlrohr zum entnehmen und Spritzen Hupe Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?43tpckmccfzutqs http://www.sendspace.com/file/kd2onn
(MC Modding) Peeneland

MC is a modding relaese the Peeneland_final available. Installed are: Yard with Abaldestellen Grain farming Drying plant with straw bales and trigger Feed plant farmer cooperative trading Livestock barns with pasture Stud Sugar Factory Food plant and Beverage Industry Relaese includes: unloading fixed I thank all the modders whose work at my disposal. This map can be found on all pages using the LS Download original Download links available. It is not permitted, this map in a different form or provide a different name for download. Special thanks to Tatra148 locksmith and Sing. Note: saved games the final Peeneland can ... Read more
Dad\’s Farm
Thanks to Ace Uk for the starter map Venom for the sheds JohnDeere4255 for a few of the buildings sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence Deutz Fahr Uk for the squeeze chute and bale feeder And also a special thanks to usFarm 2000 for the pda map Download: http://ul.to/7me40ih3
Brandt Farms v1.1
Thanks to Ace Uk for the starter map Venom for the sheds JohnDeere4255 for the help and a few of the buildings sandgroper of the diesl tank, cattle loadout, and fence mf6160 for the grain drier Deutz Fahr Uk for the squeeze chute and bale feeder jd8430t for the bale sheds And also a special thanks to usFarm 2000 for the pda and traffic fix and finally the American mod team for beta testing Download: http://ul.to/unqpedd0
John Deere 6330 v4
Special Thanks to Xentro for the showhide_FL.lua script. Original Credits: Modell: Rutschkupplung Scripte: SFM Modding / Sven777b/Modelleicher Edit/Skin: Shippy74 Frontlader: Giants / Umbau / Skin: Shippy74 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134582295/1f1bb18/John_Deere_6330_V4.zip.html
Kirovets K701 Pack
Description: By: roterübe since 1986 and very special thanks to the other Download: Kirovets K701 Pack [Hotfile.com]
New Holland FR9090
Description: Model: Saesje Script: Headshot XXL Special thanks to the Krone BigX team! Download: New Holland FR9090 [Hotfile.com] Download: New Holland FR9090 [Uploading.com]
McHale 991 beta (Black Wrap)
Description: Model – JoXXer Script – JoXXer Arm Lockdown-script – Geri-G Original Wrapping process baletextures – canadianfarmer And special thanks goes out to cam001 for helping out a lot with testing. Black Wrapping process baletextures – Kamao Download: McHale 991 beta (Black Wrap) [Hotfile.com] Download: McHale 991 beta (Black Wrap) [Uploading.com]