Tag: stop
JF univessal FH145

this is a JF forgar for farming simulator 2011 it featurs: press xto start/stop press j/nto lift lower spout thanks for downloding this mod Credits Autor:Bociek ls name in shop:JF man modell:Dxiudek927 ingame:Bociek scin:kraftfahrer script:Burner kid edit:ALS
Lamborghini Racing 190

Version V1.0: All animations and functions can be controlled from the cab of an IC-Controlle. e.g. Engine start / stop, doors, windows, roof hatch, cabin lights, wipers, 4×4, warning light, turn signals, rear PTO, light, sun visor, etc. Full animated cockpit Help window by pressing F2 (visible only in the cabin) -In-/Outdoorsound Responds to doors, windows and roof hatch -Adjustable Indoor Camera Physical-cam driver seat with noise bumps Wipers -Ein-/Ausblendbare Front Console -An-/Abbaubarer Front loader with hydraulic leveling and a new sound Scoop for Standard Fruit (DLC2 version gives it extra!) Washable All- -Throttle limiter -4×4 (MP ready) -DLBA (air ... Read more
Kazville Bus Stop

This is a bus stop for your map, to be inserted via GE. It is 1:1:1 scale and has AO mapping aswell You can add to your maps if you upload your map please give credits thanks. Credits: Modle: Kaznall Texture and AO : Kazznall and wizznall Ingame: Kaznall Plus a special thanks to sam for teaching me and sharing his knowlage with me. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?2p7rpo9cs91wd4c http://www.sendspace.com/file/vyekhz
Traffic Packs – Combine Pack 01
I’ve converted them to trafficVehicles. All credit goes to original modelers! These vehicles follow the same traffic rules as the default vehicles, they yield right-of-way, stop at intersections… Just put this mod in your mods folder and if you have traffic turned on the game will load these vehicles as traffic. Download: http://ul.to/nzun9af6 http://depositfiles.com/files/oi2ybysem
Traffic Packs – RandomPack_02 – SndGrdn
This is the second in the RandomPacks of trafficVehicles I’ve converted them to trafficVehicles. All credit goes to original modelers! These vehicles follow the same traffic rules as the default vehicles, they yield right-of-way, stop at intersections… Just put this mod in your mods folder and if you have traffic turned on the game will load these vehicles as traffic. You can not buy this mod. You can not drive these vehicles. This mod will not show up in the store. All specializations/scripts have been removed. No need to unpack…Just put downloaded .zip file into your mods folder. == DO ... Read more
American Signs Pack 1
American road signs for use in map modding. Haven’t found any while digging around on the internet that were already made other than a stop sign and a 75mph sign, so I made these. Already working on part 2 and 3 shortly after. Not the biggest mod out there, but a needed one I hope. Credits: Virikas – Am Sign Mod Pack 1, never found any american ones anywhere else. Giants – for GE 4.1.7 and 4.1.9 Blender Adobe – photoshop Google – Sketchup 8 & Google Search Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ratck9dwwve3wzg http://www.sendspace.com/file/god7n0
Newbie Farm V1
* Edit of default map * factory added (you can sell cotton, sugarbeet, soybean, mohn and here).. * Multi silo added due to so many fruit types (works in single player) * All fields numbered. * PDA Map updated. * Bakery added near the mountain pass by the castle. * Supermarket changed to mall and given a sell point. * Fuel station added. * Fruit script added. * Following scripts added to map to reduce mods required to add, clock, DarkerNight, weed, FruitHudText, HiredConsumesResources, MultiplePricesSilosInPDA, RunningCosts, ShowWorkersOnPDA and newpda (newpda works in conjunction with shows workers on map) * Weeds ... Read more
Akerman 200D (Undriveable map-object)
35 years old child is in good condition when he doesn’t know how to stop..? Anyway, here we go again (I did find site with lot of nice details of nice machinery, there’s reason), this time with Åkerman 200D excavator. In real life those were pulled by tractor. Packet contains again two versions (rusty/nonrusty) of this Åkerman and Sketchup models of those. Everything may be used and edited freely. Download: http://ul.to/o43pfkhi
Ursus 5314 v 1.0
Ursus 5314 v 1.0 – Voll animierte Heckhydraulik – Per IC steuerbar: Fensterkurbeln, Dachluke, Türen öffnen – ESLimiter – Stundenzähler – ControlpanelAttacher – Scheibenwischer – Zapfwellenattacher – Motor start/stop (Motor bleibt beim aussteigen auch an) – Reifensturz – neue Sounds – Beleuchtungsscript V3.1 (Arbeitslicht, Blinker, Bremslicht, Innenraumbeleuchtung) – switched Gewichte Download: http://www.fileserve.com/file/wAxnQDX/Unzip_Ursus_5314.rar http://ul.to/ebu7vt41
Chellington, Bedfordshire V2.1
v2.1 – Fixed : Ive fixed the triggers on the silage pits so now you can still dump/buckrake silage onto the pit when the pits full. : Ive hired the ground level to stop there been a gap between the bottom of the silage plane and the ground when the silage pit’s are full. This will over right Chellington V2 so all your yard, equipment and crops should be the same when you start the game. For triggers and sell points watch the video provided! Download: