Tag: storage
Farming the bottom

First a big thanks to farmeryip for his videos on how to make a map. Start map– palajos, dodo27 and gnom Milk sell point- croation-mod-team and devil revenge. Hanger12- duarn Feed mixer/shredder– discoade Beet and potato storage sheds– discoade gas station– devil revenge Spot lights- showgunn84 Bale and grain selling shad- troll711 MultiSilo- Maca Houses– ar1g3 EsterhazyMill- siraly0211 Wooden bridges- abasstreppas Old sheds– fergus-payne Download: http://ul.to/1p4sltqh

On this map, they have a medium sized farm in the grain storage is also available. To remove this Getdreide may need a shovel to load grain. They have another small plot of land with barn feeding (cows are not in the barn but on ener pasture) and corn and Grassilo for the cows. They also have a small but fine BGA. What has changed: – Landscape – Court – Kuhhof – Added Bga Download: http://ul.to/lzzxpdpe http://depositfiles.com/files/rhojdnipz
Norwegian Barn (Old style)

Model: HStrand Ingame: Benjamin Vestly Manure storage doors: Axel_of_Sweden/RRS Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7r1ip0057ee165z http://www.sendspace.com/file/2xjoiw
Kanzas v3 beta
Map01.i3d – 9MB There are potatoes and beets but do not add to their modes together. It is also a cow and BGA. Grain sold as storage only and does not come. MP ready Download: http://ul.to/457p5dqv http://freakshare.com/files/08vf4dgl/kanzas3.zip.html
Welcom to the FirstTryMapV2 as it was with the first version this an edit of the original map but with a Hocks23 spin. In this map all of the original fields have had a remake sizes range from medium to large, big equipment is needed. So what is in the new map? -ORIGINAL FRUITS -New textures -Great looking stubble heights -New buildings (some old buildings removed) -Selling places moved -Bale destroyer -Farm moved -Fruit gauges -2 farm storage areas -Traffic removed -Problems from first version fixed -Dairy and cowzone were not edit at all -MP not sure as I dont ... Read more
Texas map_2011
This is the Texas map converted to 2011. The fruits it has is wheat, rape, maize, barley, soybeans, sunflower, rice, pea, greenwheat, potatoes, and sugarbeets. I change and added some roads and added a potato and sugarbeets storage and some buildings and baleshredders. Unzip zip file and put all zip files in mods folder. Download: http://ul.to/rrrqv5ak http://uploading.com/files/34484fc6/Texas_map_2011.zip/
Clearview map swathable corn edit
Description: Features: -1 Farms -Port,Mill,Brew Have all been marked now. -Grain Storage Silos at Farm now Marked. -VERY Large feilds -Fertilizer,Seed,fuel -Grain drop off spot for storage at farm. -Baleshredder at farms. -has swathable corn Map- Damen Anderson Lamps- dodo27 Baleshredder- Forums Fuel Tank- Damen Anderson edit:me sivy and slopoke7166 Download: http://ul.to/hlqgw7eu http://uploading.com/files/f54444e8/ClearviewFarmV1.zip/
Hall Farm
Hall Farm V2 Set in the heart of England with beautiful scenery Be carefull of those tight roads and gateways, your going to have to chose your equipment wisely. There is 2 yards, the first been Hall Farm witch is your main yard that will have plently of space to accommodate all your machinery! Also at Hall Farm you will find grain silos, fule tank, seed refill, spray refill, fertiliser refill, 2 silage pits and of course your house! Two minuits drive down the road is your second yard “Meadow Farm” witch is a small beef/dairy farm where you will ... Read more
Pine Country
Giants software buildings by Venom low poly trees by Vanilleeis baleshredder by Gas Station by LS-Landtechnik Team signs by Tyler Burgess header storage by Gamesnaper roads by wohlstandskind American Dairy barn by map editing by Showgunn84 Download: http://ul.to/dpx16sn5
Maple Tree Farm2011 by piki
Desperados93 for grain storage – Mihay92 straw barn for new skin – And of course me (piki) Download: http://ul.to/2hyvjyn6