Tag: Sugar
CAT 966 H V 2.0

Description – Tire dust – Washable / dirtskin – Rearview – Steering lock – ESLimiter – OpHours The following fruits can now be loaded: – Potatoes – Sugar beet – grass – straw – silage – chopped – Concentrate – Mist Credits: Giants Farmerjoe Chefkoch_LS2011 Scripts: Sven777b Manuel Leithner (SFM Modding) Henly20 (Ls_uk Modteam) MMagrarservice Modelleicher “iMonitor” Bild Master Xerion
Map Vega del carrión

Well, here I upload my first creation, map plain of carrion. This map is made from javier007 map, no man’s land. It has a fairly large area, has the following outlets: liquor store, NutriDense, silo, port, dairy, madritex, Eroski, and sale of slurry and manure. It also has a gas station, located next to Eroski. Their crops are: Wheat, Barley, Canola, Corn, MaízV2, Carrots, Potatoes, Sugar beet, sunflower, Poppy, Rice, Cotton, Pineapple, Artichokes, Eggplant, Cauliflower, Mushrooms, Peas, GuisantesV2 (EAP), strawberries, yellow beans, green wheat, green beans, pumpkins, melons, radishes, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, sugar cane, tea leaves, Tomatoes, Kale, Cabbage, Onions, ... Read more
NeptunZ413 V2

Sugar beet and potato harvester. Tank capacity: 4500 Fantastic mod and works without bugs. Price in shop: 600 $ ls (real) Warmly recommended to download I only upload: :-) Credits: author: sven18koehler & Burner & Bociek Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?83d53o5py31utkk http://www.sendspace.com/file/nowzg7
(MC Modding) Peeneland
MC is a modding relaese the Peeneland_final available. Installed are: Yard with Abaldestellen Grain farming Drying plant with straw bales and trigger Feed plant farmer cooperative trading Livestock barns with pasture Stud Sugar Factory Food plant and Beverage Industry Relaese includes: unloading fixed I thank all the modders whose work at my disposal. This map can be found on all pages using the LS Download original Download links available. It is not permitted, this map in a different form or provide a different name for download. Special thanks to Tatra148 locksmith and Sing. Note: saved games the final Peeneland can ... Read more
Sugar Factory
Credits: Author: Schwedenkopf Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/128352262/5b6930d/Sugarfactory.zip.html
Small Farm
Credits Giants Software GMBH Map – Showgunn84 Sugar beet silo – dodo27, Strip Light-dlfarm Milk Mod – Acer Mud-Senator203 Silage Berg-johan12,fendtfan1996 alias fendtfan96 FL attacthments storager – Model: Silvoking, Texture: Silvoking, Convert: Marcus HQ Trees – American shed – Jd8430t Large American Barn – TROLL711 Ducks – Sandgroper Download:
Farmin Simulator 2011 Map v2 by wopito
Description: This is Map! -Edited from the original map -Farm and Livestock in the positions added to the original location, just different buildings, -Two additional quality grain, Sugar Beet and Sunflower, and added to the silos -Two new fields added -Deleted the port and the other in vain who are not related to the cultivation of –PDA map update -For beginning the game’s best vehicles and tools Credits: A big thank you also for all buildings in which materials, etc. I am using the map. They need a lot so I do not designate the area of each separately. Thank ... Read more