Tag: sugarbeet
Benne Huret 18 tonnes Full details v 2 rot

Description Hi folks here the task Benne Huret 18 tonnes Full détails for you there for the ls11 and have only had the reworked for you because there was a comment that he make net for LS13 he can just said I play ls11 and still others have also and since I’ve made in only ls11 he wrote. and I have it here for you. It can load everything, it is a 18t. wheat rape maize barley chaff grass fertilizer manure sugarbeet lime potato. Credits: keiner
NewHolland RX200 mod

Description NewHolland RX200 harvester fruitTypes sugarbeet betterave rueben carrot karotten potato works with workers key V lower cutter key G turn on cutter key H hire worker key B pipe in/pipe out keys +/- RPM Credits all credits go to Shippy74
Tip Alternative Edit

Description Tip Alternative Edit This is an edit of the tip alternative edit packaged in this mod by SFM Modding The main change is the addition of many more fruit types: wheat barley maize rape chaff manure silage sugarbeet potatoes grass silo rye oat sunflower soybean fertilizer gravel sand and carrots The mod is fully multiplayer compatible PLEASE REMOVE ANY OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS MOD FROM YOUR MODS FOLDER Many thanks to SFM modding for allowing us to edit and upload this Credits SFM Modding Edits: The LS-UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123)
Brantner VD38080 4-axis 3 side
Brantner VD38080 4-axis 3 side tipper 1:1 Features: Animated chocks Removable tarpaulin body 46 470 liters capacity Lighting V3.1 (Sven777b) fruits: original and potatoes,Carrots,sugarbeet Credits Modell: Kyosho script: fruktor
Claas bucket
fruittypes: wheat barley rye oat rape maize soybean sunflower potato carrot karotte dung manure silage chaff grass dryGrass mohn sugarbeet fertilizer capacity:1850 price:1000 Credits modeler / texture: CLAASVEET81 Edit + reskin: Geertyb0y
hello i gotten permission to this mod it is A new model of Thonar SCHMITZ ski 50 v 1.o dump trailer it has Lifting capacity 80000 kg! Reinforced frame and two cylinders of BOSCH do the trick nicely! MULTIFRUIT: wheat rape maize barley chaff potato manure beachSand blumkohl carrot erbsen gelbbo grass gruenbo pea rice rotkohl soybean spinat sugarbeet weisskohl wirsingkohl corn sunflower! Turn signals work stops, etc. There is dust from the wheels! that is my desciption i hope you enjoye i just edited the kg to 80000 and put in corn hope you like it Credits this mod ... Read more
Stobart Biomass trailer with sugarbeet and potato planes
Lordtex / Eisbear Reskin: Siddo Fruit/Texture Additions: Byteone, LSUK Mod Team.
VW LT 45
The LT shall undertake the following types of fruit wheat maize barley grass sunflower rape sugarbeet betterave carrot potato spinach sand blum red cabbage cabbage cabbage white pea soybean rice gelbbo gruenbo savoy cabbage decision pea green cotton wheat alfalfa poppy maize2 oat mint tea nad sugarcane sunflower radish Permitted load of 8 tons Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?77bpdw4idt9dp9x http://www.sendspace.com/file/v2n2ru
FantasyLand DLC2
Giants Software Sugarbeet texture for map by Bayn Maiz in rowsV2 by Dad0 Texture Pack by Melfoy Grass texture by Masam/Wopito Foliage Trees by Wallu Baleshredder by Sprengi Storage Shed Pack V2 by Discoade Braueri by ETS/GTS British Shed Pack by Farmer54/Andrew Stanford Hangar and Maison by Duarn OldWindmill by Bitten/Gerzi Zuckerruebenfabrik by Kleener22 10 Different Hedge by Spider100 LowpolyTrees by Vanilleeis Barbed Wire Fence by FMC/Kaosknite Silage Clamp by Griffydam/Dodo27 FarmStorageSilo by The Oman/Dinamit3/Spider100 Fuelpumpe by Volvot22 Guellegrube V1 by Manuel Silo by DerLord Spotlight by Showgunn84 DDRTankstelle by DDR_Bauer Wall1 by LeicestershireFarmer MapWaterTrigger u Wasserbecken v 1.0 ... Read more
Sirgramkow Map
This is my first map, you have to have DLC2 to play this map Smiley DLC 2 BGA ManureTube liquidManureTube Manure Sell point liquidManure Sell point cotton greenwheat soybean sugarbeet sunflower potato I have only use (potato and sugarbeet) so if you will use the other Fruits, fill free to add some selling points to them they are install in to the map Wink Hop your guys like it, and if you have to ask me somthing pm me Wink have a nice day. sorry it is not the right PDA map, i will fix it soon;) Download: http://ul.to/bnawfu8a https://rapidshare.com/files/3884502255/SirgramkowMap.zip