Tag: sugarbeet
Velkomoravska Risa

– bga bgasilo haybale strawbale – woods sunflower sugarbeet potato sunflower water manure liquid manure milk sand – working PDA map 4x biggest the size Download:
small trailler multifruit by gorea

t is the old classic trailler now with multifruit: wheat barley rape maize chaff cotton carrot drygrass erbse grass greenwheat manure oat potato soybean sugarbeet sunflower; more to come please post your opinion so i can make better impruvments it is my firs mood so please dont take me easy so i can learn Download: http://ul.to/9f75qpow
Gross BauernMap v1

Auf der GrossBauernMap 2012 Version 01 gibt es folgende Früchte : wheat ,barley ,rape ,maize ,grass ,betterave ,carrot ,mohn ,erbse ,greenwheat ,pea ,salat ,erdbeeren ,lauchzwiebel ,schnittlauch ,dryGrass ,oat ,rye ,sunflower ,cotton ,potato ,ananas ,tee ,rice ,sugarcane ,soybean ,rotkohl ,weisskohl ,wirsingkohl ,blumkohl ,sugarbeet ,gruenbo ,nad ,gelbbo ,spinat ,luzerne ,aubergine ,minze ,kohlrabi ,tomate ,artichoke ,wassermelone ,honigmelone ,champingons ,triticale ,sorghum und corn . Download
BETA-RELEASE: Sugarbeet Mod
This is the sugarbeet Mod. This package comes as a “beta-release” due to some unresolved bugs and some bad scripting work. The package contains : – an updated version of the “alternativeTipping” from SFM Modding – a MapFruit zip file to manage sugarbeet fruit ingame – Agronomic Cultivator (acts like a sprayer) – Brimont 24T trailer – C12 Gilles Seeder – Cochet Pozossol trailer – Gilles AD-49 lifter – Gilles TR-16 defoliator – Gilles RB410T sugarbeet harvester combine version – Gilles RB410T sugarbeet harvester alternative tipping version – John Deere 7720 with additional wheels – Liebherr 904SE excavator and sugarbeet ... Read more
Beco Super 1800
Here’s a Beco Super 1800, It can haul the following fruittypes: wheat, rape, maize, barley, chaff, fertilizer, potato & sugarbeet. By R&R modding from LSPortal.nl In corporation with EJBFarming & Tonny. http://hotfile.com/dl/137563677/c30e913/beco1800.zip.html
Big Woods Farms V3
Giants Software GMBH Empty map & triggers – PALAJOS, dodo27 and gnom, LS-UK info liquidmanure-pit & Farmhouse -dodo27 Building Pack – Venom HQ Trees – cattlegrid – willjsavage Silage Berg-johan12,fendtfan1996 alias fendtfan96 Mud-Senator203 Bga – by Heady, silos by MF 390 FL attacthments storager – Model: Silvoking, Texture: Silvoking, Convert: Marcus Milk Mod – Acert sugarbeet silo – dodo27, Strip Light-dlfarm Map edit – showgunn84 Download: http://ul.to/oiu5z9ru
Small Paths Map V1
Map was a fairly large fields. Here there are a lot of asphalt roads, trees. There is traffic between machines. The Map mod BGA. For greater convenience, set the Super Silo Trigger. With this map you can deal not only with arable farming, but also livestock: cows to feed, to receive from this milk and manure, of course. Milk you will have to take out and sell yourself. Also on the map is a fertilizer, silage pit, dressing. Culture: standard + sunflower, sugarbeet and potatoes. In the downloaded archive, but you can find maps of additional useful scripts: AutoAttachMod, CompasForSteerable, ... Read more
Sample Mod Map 2 Final Edition
GIANTS Sample Mod Map. Edit by Metsavend. Scripts and potato/sugarbeet mod by Wernesgrüner. Buying for vegetables by -NewHolland-. Buying for silo and liquid manure by Manuel. BaleShredder by sprengi. Other Buildings and objects by GIANTS Software. Download: http://ul.to/9tx97s4g
Pack: 2 Trailers fruit=wheat barley rape maize silage grass dryGrass sugarbeet carrot potato sunflower maize2 spinat oat mohn betterave karotte sand rotkohl blumkohl soybean pea weisskohl gelbbo gruenbo rice erbse wirsingkohl luzerne nad sugarcane greewheat Models/Scripts/Textura/Som: Formula_1 Thaks: FazendeiroBR, Sandro Download:
Wellbrook Map 2011
Credits: The LS–UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123) Thanks to Vanilleeis for the Lowpolytrees, J+B modding for the sugarbeet textures and Headshot XXL for loadshovel script Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126713364/7aeda0c/UNZIP_ME_WELLBROOK.zip.html